
Friday, September 29, 2006

Out of the Fire

The dragon they were riding on had a hard, greyish coat. Jason recognized it as a Grey Armour-back. It was smaller in comparison to most dragons, but what could you expect from a dragon summoned by handcuffs?

Neptune sat at the base of the beast's long neck, directing it calmly with Dragonspeech. Elfin was lying between the dragon's wings, his breaths slow and heavy. They didn't know how long they had been in the Tunnel, but the sun was up slightly, and it felt like dawn had just broken. Jason sighed in relief.

Then, from behind them, a distant screech echoed through the sky. Turning back, Jason saw that the gremlin had caught up with them, and his eyes were burning with the fury and rage of being outsmarted.

"We've got company," he warned Neptune, who nodded and said something in Dragonspeech. The Armour-back shot forward with a sudden burst of speed, then veered round, at the same time keeping its wings up to prevent Elfin from falling.

Demon and dragon sped head-first towards each other. Two creatures that under any normal circumstances, Jason would have slayed. But this was too great a show to miss.

The gremlin fired acid at the dragon, while the Grey Armour-back glided upwards, blowing away the threat with a flap of its huge wings.

Diving, the dragon opened its huge jaws, letting loose a host of flames, causing the gremlin to reel back. But neither creatures were letting up. Neptune began shouting in Dragonspeech.

Closer and closer. Then Neptune did something, and Jason wasn't sure what happened, but he had heard somewhere that dracomancers could alter a dragon's size and shape. All of a sudden the gremlin seemed so much smaller.

Jason thought he saw the demon which had tortured him and caused Elfin to be in such a state screaming in fear, trying to turn around in mid-air. But those gigantic jaws clamped down, and the gremlin was gone in a burst of fire.

*** *** ***

"Jason," Elfin's voice was faint, but it snapped Jason out of his awe-struck trance. "We're too..."

"Don't worry Elfin, we'll find a way. Hang in there alright?"

Elfin nodded, then closed his eyes. Jason made sure he was breathing all the way.

"I know where we can get another Inventi," yelled Neptune over the wind as they began to take up speed. "Draco Isle. Armour-back here can take us there."

"What's in Draco Isle?" Jason shouted back.

But Neptune didn't answer; he was speaking in Dragonspeech again. Frantically this time.

*** *** ***

As night began to fall, Jason could feel his stomach growling. Elfin had fallen into a deep sleep, but was still breathing normally.

A few feet ahead of him sat Neptune, still speaking in Dragonspeech. He wanted to ask the Piscian how long more it would take, but something told him not to interrupt.

At long last, the dragon slowed down, hovering over a small, crescent-shaped island. Jason turned his head and saw the long coasts of the outbacks fading away.

The sea breeze hit them like a refreshing shower when they landed. Jason woke Elfin up, and the three of them got down from the Armour-back. The mighty dragon roared, then flew off towards the setting sun.

The island was beautiful compared to most of the outbacks. The waters were crystalline, and the lush plains no longer gave off the familiar smell of death that one could sense in the outbacks. Jason took a deep breath, and whooped loudly.

"C'mon, let's go!" Neptune said, then started running.

"What? We just got here!"

Sighing, Jason and Elfin trudged off after their friend. They hadn't had the energy to question him. They crossed the scented plains and went up a gentle slope. As they reached the top Jason looked down and his eyes widened.

Between two hills was a campsite. Roaring fires cackled audibly through the night sky as people of all races danced around them. Elves, humans, dwarves, goblins and Piscians. Men and women alike, all holding hands and dressed in garments made from grass and other natural materials.

"What the hell is this?" asked Jason, eyes still fixed on the spectacle before him.

"This," said Neptune rather pridefully, "is the dracomancer's guild."

"Amazing," Elfin joined in, his voice now echoing his regained strength. "I never thought I'd get to see this. This must be Eva Draconia, am I right?"

Neptune nodded his head. His bluish glow seemed to have become more radiant.

"Why'd you bring us here, Nep?" Jason felt he had to ask.

"I've friends here who can help," was all that he said. He began walking swiftly down the hill. Jason shrugged at Elfin and followed the Piscian.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Dragon Saves

The clawed fist came again and again, hitting Elfin square in the gut. Then it flew into his face, followed by his shoulder.

"How does it feel? To be powerless and beaten? You're no fighter Elfin..." the gremlin mocked. It spat acidic saliva onto Elfin's covered leg, stinging it.

The mage was on the floor, holding himself up with one arm, the other arm clutching his leg. A mix of blood and saliva lined his lower jaw, and a sickening feeling was developing in the pit of his stomach.

Grabbing a fistful of light-brown hair, the gremlin jerked Elfin's head back, then gave another scratch symmetrical to the scar on his right cheek. With the back of its hand, it then slapped him hard.

Elfin cried out, unable to take the torture. "Damn it! Damn it!"

"Tell me," said the gremlin, "should I blind you? Or make you lame? Perhaps both, perhaps I should take away some other organ?" It broke out in manical laughter.

When Elfin saw the demon engrossed in his sadism, he muttered a simple enchantment. It was yet another old spell that could be performed without a staff. As soon as he spoke the incantation, the iron orb that limited his mobility rose a few feet in the air, and crashed--right on the gremlin's foot.

It stopped laughing and screeched. Kicking up the ball, it launched a fist into it. It exploded into dust.

"You'll pay, mage!" the demon hissed.

*** *** ***

Deep in the other end of The Tunnel, Neptune looked around, every fibre of his neck aching. He saw nothing but rock and gravel; not one sign of an object worthy enough to be tributed to summon a dragon.

He was too weak to morph into part-dragon form, and the transformation would only tighten the chains holding him prisoner.

Wait a minute! The chains!

Suddenly aware of the metal contraptions on his arms and legs, the Piscian gathered up what little energy he had and got to work.

*** *** ***

From every corner of the cave, the gremlin flung Elfin from wall to wall. As his bones cracked, the elf screamed in pure anguish.

Soon the gremlin got bored of using Elfin as a frisbee, and decided to see how long it would take for the mage to bleed to death.

Cutting a deep hole into Elfin's abdomen, the gremlin withdrew his claws and let his victim fall over in pain. His screams dwindled to muffled pants, and his sweat had created a small pool.

"I'll go deal with your friend Jason now. You just sit tight and enjoy the pain. I know I did..."

With that, the demon finally left Elfin, disappearing into the shadows.

*** *** ***

When the gremlin arrived at Jason's portion of the Tunnel, he saw a huge hole at one end of it. On the rock wall where the dragon slayer should have been, there was nothing but broken chains and shackles. The enchanted sword stuck into a crevice was also gone.

A loud explosion erupted from the far end of the Tunnel. Realising what had happened, the gremlin screamed and took off.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Light Beyond the Tunnel

When Neptune awoke, he wished he hadn't. He found himself strapped to a sharp stone, the edge of which was digging into his skull. No longer in his half-dragon form, his thin legs were stretched in a way that should have caused them pain. Yet they did not hurt, for they had already been broken for a rather long time.

An eerie silence filled the dark space Neptune was trapped in. He felt that if he spoke, he would not even hear his own voice. The cold was numbing.

"Ah, you have awoken," the familiar nasal voice broke the creepy silence. Neptune would have turned, but his neck was too sore for movement. "Had a nice nap?"

"I've been better," gasped Neptune, his own lack of voice scaring him.

A sneering laugh shook the darkness.

"Where...where are we?"

Yellow eyes came to life as the gremlin replied, "In a cave the locals call The Tunnel. Heard it's cursed." It laughed once more.

Neptune decided not to ask anymore. Right now, resting and healing were the only things on his mind.

The yellow eyes disappeared.

*** *** ***

In another part of The Tunnel, Jason was chained to a wall. He was stripped of his armour, and wore only his inner clothing. The enchanted blade was hiding somewhere else.

"You're friend, the Piscian, was a bit too weak to speak. But can feel the energy seeping through you!"

Jason groaned in pain, unsure of whether that had been a mockery or a compliment. He decided on the latter, saying, "Thanks. I don't give up so easily."

"Exactly," replied the gremlin, "that's why my master doesn't want you destroyed. No...not at all."

"Your master? Malice Jowls?" Jason asked. He was panting in agony.

The dark outline of the demon's head seemed to move side to side. It said, "No. My master lies in a much higher place than that vampire sent to feed me."

"Griephon," Jason breathed the word softly.

Nodding, the gremlin said, "Yes. He has given me power beyond Malice Jowls' reckoning. Powers matched only by his own." Suddenly, the whole cave lit up, blinding Jason tempoarily.

"As long as Elfin, Neptune and I stick together...we have power to overcome any enemy," spat the slayer. As he got used to the light, he turned to stare at his captor, his intense eyes boring into those of the gremlin.

"That I know, that is why I am going to break all of you. Separately." The last word seemed to have been emphasized more greatly.

With that the gremlin disappeared. Jason shouted and screamed for him to return, but finally gave up, knowing that it was useless.

*** *** ***

"Elfin the mage. Single-handedly defeated over twenty demons am I right?"

"What is it to you, filth?" Elfin snapped. Even under such conditions, the cool elf still kept his cocky smile.

Visibly annoyed, the gremlin retorted, "We'll see who ends up as filth when I am done with you and your friends, mage!"

Elfin was not bound anywhere except for his right leg. The chain was attatched to an iron ball. A classic. Without a staff, any mage was powerless.

Then, with great speed, the gremlin rushed forth and grabbed Elfin's throat, knocking him against the wall. Their eyes were only centimetres away from each other's.

With a raised claw, the gremlin then drew blood from Elfin's cheek. The mage screamed in pain.

Acid was sprayed onto the fabric of his robes, and although the cloth prevented his flesh from corroding, it was not enough to ease the stinging pain. Elfin screamed again.

"It's going to be a long day, Elfin!" laughed the gremlin as it stepped back, releasing Elfin. "So stick around! But then again, you're not going anywhere."

*** *** ***

Back in the tower, Griephon tapped the armrest of his throne. Before him were eight of his Keltics, which he had mercifully saved from disapparation.

"One simple task. Destroy eight kids. AND YOU FAIL ME! One more chance. And this time, I won't save you from the Abyss."

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Disaster Strikes

The sun was out, and wounds were healed and taken care of. As soon as the trio broke out of the desert and into a small village, it seemed like the day had two nights. However, this time the moon was up.

"Condemned Salvation?" said Elfin as he read out the sign on the local inn. "That's an irony isn't it?" He turned to Jason, but the slayer wasn't listening.


"Huh?" Jason looked up, and Elfin could see that he had clearly been shaken up badly.

A silence then ensued which was broken by Neptune. "How about we go in? I've never slept on a bed before..."

"You'll love it," Elfin said sarcastically. To his relief, Jason laughed. They entered the Condemned Salvation, and saw a dark figure sitting at the counter, hidden by shadows.

The lounge was devoid of windows, and a small fire lit the room. The couches were dusty and decorated with cobwebs here and there. But the most creepy part was that the inn had no guests.

"How may I help you?" a nasal voice asked. As it did so, the figure at the counter moved.

The light was dim, but Elfin could see a pair of huge eyes, yellow at the sclera. He was about to ask if the inn had room, when Jason suddenly collasped.

"Jason!" cried he and Neptune in unison. They knelt down to examine the man.

"I have a spare room, maybe your friend would like to lie down awhile..."

Elfin looked up, wanting to thank the owner, but saw that that he had come out of the shadows. And what the mage saw was not a human being.

The mutant gremlin gave a wicked smile before enlarging its wings. It screeched defeaningly. Both Elfin and Neptune tried to shield their ears.

The screeching stopped, and before they knew it the gremlin had pounced. Elfin tried to launch a fireball, but failed. Neptune had gotten up, but with a flap of those enormous wings the Piscian found himself on the floor again, head spinning.

Hot breath touched Elfin's face, which was inches away from a set of deadly fangs. Those yellow eyes never closed, and the mage could not help but look away.

His staff was just an inch from him, and he was on his back. His hands were pressed against wet skin, trying with all his might to prevent the gremlin from biting him.

A blue glow flashed just behind the demon. Soon, a powerful tail swiped the fiendish creature away, and Elfin could see Neptune in his half-dragon form.

"Thanks," said Elfin as he stuck out his hand. The fallen staff flew into his outstretched fingers. "You take care of Jason, I'll deal with the gremlin."

Neptune picked Jason up with his strong arms, saying, "Sounds like a plan. Just don't get thrown down on the floor again." He bent to pick up the Inventi before leaping out the door.

Once outside, Neptune stopped. A mob of people surrounded him, their eyes devoid of life, their faces gaunt and ghastly. They each had a marking on their foreheads: a green hand.

*** *** ***

Back in the Condemned Salvation, Elfin was twirling his staff defensively, waiting for the gremlin to make the first move. The latter, however, was not moving.

Searching frantically for a spell, Elfin suddenly thought of an old illusional tactic that his master had shown him years ago. He had forgotten about the move, because he never had to use it.

He slowed down the twirling, waiting. The gremlin's eyes never left him.

Then, Elfin struck the butt of his staff onto the ground, chanting an Elvish incantation. As soon as the staff made contact with the wooden floor, there were five Elfins standing before the gremlin.

"Magic? My master was the ultimate magician!" spat the gremlin. He leapt forward, which was exactly what Elfin wanted.

All five elves struck out their staves, creating a circular motion. The gremlin halted in mid-air, held aloft by magical energies. Then, one by one, and in perfect synchrony, each Elfin swung their individual staves, whacking the fiend one after another.

The volley of whacks continued till the front door was kicked down. Stunned, Elfin stopped his attack, and the gremlin tumbled to the ground.

Through the door came Neptune, Jason still on his back, unconcious. A ghoulish group of locals came marching inside, their heads bearing the green omen.

"Neptune!" Elfin tried to get to his friend, but was knocked into a chair roughly. He looked up and saw the gremlin standing over him.

Wasting no time, the mage struck his staff right between the demon's legs, sending it sprawling into the ground.

"So it does hurt for demons too," mused Elfin. He then turned to see that the mob had swallowed Neptune. "Away!"

The rounded tip of his wooden staff shone a deep blue, then the light zipped towards the crowd, throwing off several of the possessed people.

Spell after spell he launched, until the mob nearly swallowed him as well. Elfin watched, helpless, as they took his staff and snapped it in two. He watched as the recovered gremlin toyed with his Inventi, pouring out the contents. Finally, his vision was obscured, then he could see nothing.

The last thing Elfin noticed before this was the green omen, flashing prominently before him.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Dawn of Disaster Part 3

No one knew how. But as Jason's desperation mounted, his sword gave a jump and, flashing in the direction of the tormenting bats, gave off an incredible radiance. The bats scattered, leaving Jason on his knees, his breath audible, his face cut in many regions. The light of the blade extinguished, and the weapon crashed onto the sand.

Malice wasted no time. He grabbed Jason's injured neck, digging his claws to produce a fresh cut, and tossed him into a boulder. Jason thought he heard the sound of breaking bones.

"You had me worried there, my friend. But don't worry, it will end soon. I promise..."

Suddenly, the vampire found himself surrounded by a ring of flames. He spun round wildly, looking for the source, when he saw a pair of emerald eyes in the distance, glowing menacingly.

Elfin got closer, and as he did, a bluish body appeared alongside him. Both he and Neptune were ready for attack. Neptune's body had changed. His legs became like those of a T-rex, and his thin arms had become muscular while his fingers had claws. And he had a tail, also like a rex's.

"How did you get out of the Shadow Zone?" Malice asked. The surprise in his voice was emminent.

"I live in the Shadow Zone!" Elfin shouted across the desert, lips curling into a smile. That smile faded as soon as he spotted the beaten Jason lying against a rock, barely breathing. "You fiend!"

With that, Neptune leapt forward, his powerful hind legs springing forward with great strength. He launched a swipe at Malice, but the vampire had teleported away. Elfin held out his staff.

"Spell Bind!"

Nothing happened, and the vampire would have laughed if not for the untiring tail of the Piscian's new body. Neptune lunged again, this time colliding head on onto Malice. The latter cursed; what happened to his teleportationg spell?

Then it hit him. It was the Spell Bind.

Neptune punched and clawed again and again, his emotions exploding with each attack. Finally, the vampire fell.

As Elfin tended to Jason's wounds, Neptune grabbed Malice by his collar.

"You're too late! My gremlin has already fed on enough pain! The wastelands will--ARGH!" he let out a final scream as Neptune struck a claw into his chest, like a stake. The demon's face cracked, and burst into dust.

*** *** ***

Deep in the wastelands, the gremlin was mutating. Wings of a dragon erupted from its hunched back. Its fangs grew to twice its length. Muscles got bigger, bringing the demon power beyond normal. It flapped its newly acquired wings, and took flight.

As it sped off into the morning sky, the sun no longer a captive of Malice's power, it led out a toxic roar, spraying acid onto the spires below.

The affected spires shook.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Dawn of Disaster Part 2

The tip of the sword glittered dangerously.

Malice smiled his sadistic smile, his right hand on the edge of his cape, waiting for the right moment. Jason seemed to be waiting for something as well.

"Well, aren't you gonna finish me off?" sneered Malice. Jason's brow furrowed a little, and the vampire saw his chance. He tugged his cape.

Jason fell forward, his sword striking the sand. Looking up, he saw a vampire bat flying away from him. The bat landed on an arching rock formation, hanging upside down. There was a black puff of smoke, and Malice hanged below the arch.

"Damn it, you freakin' bat!" roared Jason as he got to his feet, sword poised to attack. But his stance was flawed, broken by his frustration and rage.

And Malice Jowls knew it.

*** *** ***

The Spire cracked. Thin lines spread along its surface as the demon within in struggled to break free. The lines got longer, thicker. Soon, shards of dark matter shot all over the Wastelands. Each shard would soon become a new Spire.

A cloud of smoke was slowly blown away by the morning winds. The gremlin stood waiting.

Dark, blue-and-green skin. Pointy, elf-like ears. Huge discoloured eyes. Fangs of razor-like quality and claws coated with acid on all four limbs. A grotesque sight to behold.

It took its first slow steps. Looking across the Wastelands, it growled, hungry for its first meal.

*** *** ***

Jason felt his head throb violently. He was on the floor, sword a few feet from him. Malice hovered above him, smile gone, his face a mask of coldness.

"The great demon slayer beatened by a lousy bat," mocked Malice. "How sad. Your father would be so disappointed."

That was it for Jason. He forgot his pain, grabbed a handful of sand and tossed it swiftly at the vampire's eyes. Malice screamed, clutching his stinging eyes.

One hand filled with sand, Jason back-flipped and took up his sword with the other. Malice seemed to be recovering, but Jason was ready.

"You ba--ARGH!"

Jason let loose the sand again, this time with a quick flick of his wrist, a movement so subtle that Malice never saw it coming.

As the vampire cursed in agony, Jason got a running start and jumped towards him, throwing him down on the sand, sword piercing his right arm. Malice's scream got louder. He lifted his hand, releasing a volley of tiny black balls. Each one exploded into Jason's armour, sending him flying off Malice and onto the ground.

"You'll pay for that, human!" roared a recovered Malice. He stretched open his mouth, and out flew a horde of tiny bats, each one equipped with wicked fangs.

They flew at Jason, biting at his face, neck and through the exposed parts of his body.

The vampire laughed, enjoying his revenge. Malice Jowls was a man with no conscience or warm feelings. No, that was not right.

Malice Jowls wasn't even a man.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Dawn of Disaster Part 1

Malice raised a wickedly clawed finger. Dark volts of energy gathered around it.

Jason's head was screaming for him to move away, but his body just wouldn't budge. He was scared and mesmerised by the figure before him all at the same time.

The collected energy was released, flying off Malice's finger and zooming off towards Jason.

The dragon slayer couldn't move.

*** *** ***

Malice watched as his Dark Chaos spell was released. The target couldn't move, for the vampire didn't allow him to. The ball of energy was about to collide.

Closer. Closer.

There was a huge explosion, kicking up the desert sand, and Malice waited for it to clear.

What he saw next gave him a shock. There was his target, the slayer named Jason Pendragon, standing tall, sword in hand. The sword was glowing red.

" spell..." muttered Malice, taken aback. It took a few minutes for the fact to sink in, the fact that someone had eluded his perfected Mind Grasp spell. "No'll still die under my hands!"

*** *** ***

Jason shook his head violently. A familiar voice in his head--his dad's voice--told him, "Do not let dark magic consume you." It was something old Arthur Pendragon would say whenever his son became too in awe with the dark arts. The words gave Jason the strength to fight off the Mind Grasp.

He looked at his attacker. The vampire seemed to be speaking to himself. Growling, Jason raised his sword high, and lunged.

The glowing blade descended, hitting...nothing.


A stinging pain erupted in the back of Jason's head as he tried to process what had happened. He could hear the vampire's laughter.

"No one escapes Malice Jowls!" he barked.

Fighting off the pain, Jason gripped his sword harder. "Maybe I won't escape you, but I will defeat you!" He took a swipe at Malice's legs, but somehow, he missed.

"Friggin' vampire!"

Another pain shot through his body, this time in his stomach. The air was sucked out from Jason's parted lips. His sword dropped in the sand soundlessly.

Malice allowed the young man to fall back onto the earth.

"Defeat me? You can barely touch me!" he laughed sadistically. His red eyes contracted into slits.

"Oh yes I can!" shouted Jason, shooting backwards with a back-kick. He thought he felt his leg collide with something solid, but the feeling didn't last. Turning about, he saw that Malice was gone yet again.

I need you guys, Elfin and Nep! willed the slayer desperately.

Malice reappeared, this time face to face with Jason, but before Jason could react the vampire launched two swift kicks, one at Jason's stomach, the other to his jaw. Both hurt just as much.

Doubling over, Jason cursed, one hand clutching his throbbing stomach, the other searching for his weapon. His fingers touched the heated metal, and moved towards the handle. He struggled to stand, trying his best to keep steady and in battlestance.

Tired of waiting for his opponent to make the first move, Malice grabbed Jason's neck, his claws digging into the warm flesh.

"I will suck your blood dry!"

With a simple motion, Malice threw the slayer far out into the desert. His screams faded into the starless night.

Griephon would be so glad, thought the vampire.

*** *** ***

"My little gremlin, you'll be feeding soon."

Spinning about, Malice took a few steps, then decided to glide. He got tired of gliding and whipped his cape around. Soon he was at the far end of the desert. Jason Pendragon lay beaten on a rock.

He landed, and placed his foot on the dragon slayer's chest. He had heard that the armour was made of Dragomite, a material so tough that only diamond could pierce it, yet it was so incredibly light.

"Let's see if we can crush it," hissed Malice to himself. He stepped hard, applying as much force as possible.

The metal wasn't even scratched.

As Malice swore oaths, applying more pressure to the armour, Jason grabbed his leg swiftly, holding him in place.

"I've heard about teleportation," he wheezed, "and if you teleport with someone holding you that person goes with you." He tightened his grip.

Scowling, Malice kicked his right foot, trying to break free of Jason's hold. But the slayer's grip was tight.

Jason pulled, and Malice fell on his back cursing. Hoisting himself up, the man jumped atop the vampire, sword drawn. He stared down at the pale face.

"Do it! But remember...I'm already dead!" Malice laughed insanely. Jason knew he was right. But he also knew that a stake to the heart could kill a vampire.

And any sharp object could be used as a stake.

*** *** ***

The gremlin waited. It gained more energy and more life with every bit of sadistic glee Malice felt.

It waited. It wouldn't be long.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pain and Malice

The village soon became a distant memory as the wonderous plains burst forth into desert once more, the sun soon becoming a cursed thing to the trio.

Neptune, who was more used to the coolness of his watery home and shaded forest, hardly had the energy to move on. The number of breaks they took soon doubled, even with the Energy Capsules Elfin provided.

"Curse this heat..." murmured Neptune, his cool voice dropping to a wheeze. The heat was really bad for him.

"Neptune?" Elfin turned to check on his friend. "Neptune? You have to hang in there alright?" The Piscian's body was starting to lose its bluish glow.

"Should we stop?" Jason asked. His lips cracked with each word.

"What do you think?" Elfin asked back.

Jason looked around them. He could see telltale signs of an impending storm. "We can't stop...but..." he trailed off. Neptune was starting to slow down even more.

"How long can you keep up a force field?"

Elfin hesitated, then replied, "Not too long. Half an hour at the most."

It was not enough time for Neptune to recover, Jason knew. Their only hope now was to find an oasis somewhere.

Having spent most of his teenage years travelling in the deserts of the outbacks, Jason knew these places like the back of his palm. Under the guidance of his old mentor, he became an expert in dealing with sand worms, avoiding their nests and foretelling if a storm was approaching. In the outbacks, a sandstorm was normally heralded by incredible temperatures, followed by slight winds that one could hardly feel. The greater those winds were, the more destructive the storm.

"I can't..." Neptune toppled into the heated sand. Jason and Elfin immediately rushed to his side, with Elfin pulling out a Capsule from his Inventi. Jason drew his canteen.

They had to stop. There was no other choice.

"Half an hour," said Jason grimly.

"Half an hour," repeated Elfin as he activated the force field.

*** *** ***

They were called Spires. Tall, dark and menacing structures of black. In the Wastelands, they were the most beautiful things around.

Malice Jowls circled a Spire slowly. Time was at his side. He stopped rather abruptly and with his right hand, reached out to touch the base of the Spire. It was cold.

When Spires were due, they lost their heat completely, leaving their surfaces icy cool, like an ice ball on a white winter morning.

Malice licked his blue lips sadistically. Looking up into the sky, he saw that sunrise was near. He pulled his cape around himself, and tugged harder. He vanished, and in his place was a bat.

A vampire bat.

*** *** ***

Half an hour was almost up.

"Jason! The force field's weakening, we have to leave!" shouted Elfin over the roar of the winds. Jason could hardly see outside the field, for the sand had practically buried them.

"How you feeling Nep?" Jason asked. He had gotten into the habit of calling the Piscian 'Nep' for short.

Neptune replied by nodding. His color seemed to have returned to him.

"The force field's going out!"

A great wave of sand swept Jason onto his back, and the strong winds sent him flying backward. He glimpsed a flash of blue zoom past him like a bullet. The sand cut his cheeks harshly.

More sand. Suddenly, a last huge wave of sand blew over Jason, and the storm stopped abruptly. It was like a fireworks display, except with sand. Seconds later, Jason's vision cleared, and as he rubbed the excess sand out of his eyes, he saw a huge dent in the desert ground. On it was a black figure.

Or rather, floating above it.

A dark cape was draped around the male figure. Blood-red eyes shone, compelling, in the sun. Greasy hair was littered about his ghostly, pale face. As he descended towards the dented earth, the heat of the sun disappeared and immediately ominous clouds blocked out the flaming orb. It became dark as night.

If it weren't for those eyes that drew Jason's attention and refused to let go, the slayer would have noticed that both Elfin and Neptune were gone.

*** *** ***

Malice Jowls' lips curled into a cruel smirk. Fear my wrath, you heavens. Hide from me, sun! he commanded silently.

The clouds immediately took their cue and covered the sun, a hindrance to his limitless armada of spells. Now no longer floating in mid air, Malice whipped his cape away, and it floated eerily in the darkness. The young man before him stared, sitting on the sand, lip trembling.

The vampire's smirk grew wider.

*** *** ***

The Spire started to tremble. A spirit stirred within it, starting to take physical form as the Spire grew colder and colder. The dark surface became transparent, as if the blackness was sucked inwards. An unformed hand pressed against it. Then the face appeared.

It was like a rotting head, with bits of flesh missing here and there. Whatever creature it was, it had pointed ears, like an elf. Not yet ready to hatch, the gremlin waited.

It waited for Malice to feed it.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Heroic Adventurer

His hands were cuffed, and the guardsmen led him into the heart of the village, where a huge pole stood erect. Tied to that pole was a man with a mane of silver hair and closed eyes. His crown of exotic feathers lay crooked atop his sharp skull--he was the village priest.

Jason could not help but turn away; the man's bare chest were streaked with crimson stripes, glistening in the noon's sun. Redirecting his thoughts, he asked himself: Where were Elfin and Neptune?

The guards threw him roughly onto the sandy soil. The harshness of the sand stung his cheeks.

"So you're the boy Master Griephon has told us about. You don't look so threatening!" laughed a black guard.

Jason shifted himself to face the man, saying, "Traitor! Backstabbing your people to serve a demon!"

The guard stopped laughing, his expression hardening. He used the butt of his spear and whacked it into Jason's side, where his armor failed to protect. Jason let out a muffled yell and rolled to his side in order to get a good view of the man who had struck him. The black guard scowled, the fine scar on his temple creasing as his eyes narrowed. Spitting at Jason, the man walked off.

Jason wiped the saliva off on the sand, stinging himself yet again. He saw that a group of guards had his sword with them, the red glow turned off.

"Damn it!"

"You there," came a agonised voice softly, "why they take you?"

It took awhile for Jason to realise that these people were not exactly very literate. "I don't know."

"These people...evil...come for our women..."

It was then that it dawned on Jason, that these people weren't here because Griephon sent them, but because of their own male needs. The flame of hatred burned stronger.

"Don't worry my friend," said Jason reassuringly to both himself and the tribesman, "I'll get you out."

The man's weak eyes became questioning. Jason ignored him and felt around the sand, hoping to find a piece of sharp rock or glass. Just then, another guard approached them, bringing with him a young woman, who was struggling to break free of his hold.

"Anashta!" cried the imprisoned man.

"I'll taint your daughter right in front of you old man!" spat the guard. He then grabbed the woman's bare shoulders and tossed her to the ground. Her loose loincloth dropped below her hip and her bare chest heaved as she sobbed in anticipation of what was to become of her.

Jason had seen enough. He beckoned with all his might for his enchanted sword as the guard tried to get on top of Anashta. Somehow he knew that the blade could hear him.

Anashta's father was roaring in his own native tongue. With all his willpower, Jason reached out for his blade. Suddenly, the guard who was holding it and watching his comrade do his dirty work, gave a small jump. His sadistic laughter turned to a small yelp as Jason's blade grew red in his hand. As it dropped, it sped towards Jason, cutting him free.

"ARGH!" The dragon slayer grabbed hold of his prized weapon and swiped at the guard, who was halfway atop Anashta. The guard screamed.

Heart slamming with pure fury, Jason lunged again and again. Over and over again. Every stab to ensure that his target would perish. He didn't even feel the other guardsmen grabbing hold of him, neither did he feel the stab wound at his side.

*** *** ***

Jason fell heavily onto the ground. The pain that the other soldiers had inflicted upon him finally sank in. He could feel the stab wounds at his side and arms stinging in a distant pain. His vision wavered and his eyes flickered shut.

"He's down for the count," hissed a pitchy voice.

*** *** ***


"Not now Neptune!" snapped the mage.

Neptune watched as Jason struck again and again at the already-dead man. He felt his heart thump when he saw the other guards striking him with their gleaming daggers.

"Elfin?" he said again.

Elfin didn't reply. The large bush they were hiding behind rustled. Jason took another hit in the side, yet he didnt stop stabbing.

"Elfin!" spat Neptune as he saw the dragon slayer fall.

"Okay, NOW!"

Jumping out of from behind the bush, Elfin launched a series of electrical bolts at the many guards while Neptune pulled out another handy dracomancer tool--a Fire Stormer. The device shot volts of red-hot flames equivalent to the power of a dragon's breath.

The guards were downed easily.

Elfin rushed up to Jason immediately, muttering some healing spell, while Neptune went to free the imprisoned man.

The man didn't thank them, instead, he rushed to his daughter, who was sobbing uncontrollably.

*** *** ***

"We thank you, brave people who saved our home."

Jason, Neptune and Elfin bowed as garlets of flowers were placed over their heads. Jason smiled as he realised the woman doing so for him was Anashta. She mouthed the words "Thank you" and backed away to stand beside her father.

That night, after a big feast, they rested in some guest huts. When the sun rose the next morning, they left before anyone would miss them.

Such is the way of the heroic adventurer.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A New Team

Only those who face the dreaded perils of the sea have a story to tell. Only those who braved the storm can survive. Those who don't live with nothing and are trapped by their own fears.

It was an old Piscian saying, a long one, but old nonetheless.

*** *** ***

Jason awoke, coughing up water over and over again. The light of the forest greeted him as soon as he opened his eyes.

Across the patch of green wild grass, a wateyr blue was splattered, like a touch of shading on painting. Jason immediately recognised the light as Neptune's shadow. He got to his feet, legs trembling.

"What happened?" he asked, rubbing his throbbing temple.

Neptune turned, for he was looking out through the clearing at the golden sun, and said, "I've been banished."

"What!" spat Jason, the memories of that horrible battle flooding back to him. "How could they? You saved them all!" His hands at his sides, Jason clenched them into fists, creasing the gloves of his drenched armour. Suddenly he remembered his sword, and glanced about frantically. He let out his breath in one slow drag as spotted them by the lake, balancing dangerously on a rock.

As he picked it up, another realisation struck him.

"Where's Elfin?" he practically yelled it out. Neptune pointed towards a body lying across some tall grass, flattening it. Again, Jason was utterly relieved. Where would he be without his elf friend?

"So," he started again, "why were you banished?"

At this, Neptune's fists were brought up to his head. He punched both into each other, crying out in pure anguish, "They caught me! I'm a dracomancer!" He then directed another punch into a tree trunk. There was a soft 'crack'.

Jason had heard of dracomancers before on his journeys with his old warrior mentor. They were a rare guild and practiced the arts of summoning dragons by offering an artifact or special item. That was what Jason had seen when they were fighting Gonar; Neptune had offered his Dragon's Torch to summon Leviathan.

"Oh..." muttered Jason, still not understanding.

"You see..." Neptune said in a half-whisper, "in my world such an art is...forbiddened. They're AFRAID!" He roared out the last word, his mystical watery voice shaking the lake's surface. Jason watched as the blue figure sank to his knees, knowing exactly how it felt to be torn from family and home.

Later that day, with Elfin awake, they went into a small clearing that Neptune had discovered during his usual hikes into the forest. They built a fire (it was easy when you had a mage with you) and sat around it. Jason filled Elfin in on the latest happenings.

"So, you're a dracomancer? Interesting..." mused the elf as he stroke his chin. "That was some display of power there."

Laughing, Neptune replied, "I don't even remember it. I've never summoned anything that powerful. Must have been the situation itself that allowed it." His mood seemed to have improved.

A short pause of silence ensued, broken only by the rythmic crackle of the fire.

"So, where are you two heading for after this? And what is the point of your travelling?"

Elfin turned to Jason, and vice versa. At last Elfin sighed, signalling to Jason that the Piscian could be trusted.

"We're going after Griephon. We're gonna rid the world of his evil," answered the dragon slayer. If he thought about it, it would be ironic for a slayer to be with someone who summoned the things he slayed.

Another silence. This time it was longer, and Jason could guess what Neptune wanted.

"Would you like to join us, Neptune?"

The Piscian, whose head had been down, suddenly looked up, and even though he had no visible eyes, his whole face seemed to lighten up. Like an eager child he nodded his agreement, so glad to have found a new family.

That's what they were, a family.

*** *** ***

As the three heroes moved on out of the forest and into the dying beauty of the oubacks' plains, they started to grow more comfortable with each other's company and friendship. They learnt to work as a strong team, defending each other against demons and the like.

Soon, Jason, Elfin and Neptune marched straight into trouble. In a nearby village, a raid was being conducted.

"Damn it! It's Griephon's men!" hissed Jason through gritted teeth. He moved closer to the edge of the cliff to get a better look.

The village was located just below that cliff, its straw huts messily placed all around. It was a wonder why Griephon wanted to raid such a place, for the people were backward, wearing nothing but cloths around their waist and living on nothing but water from the river Constance and raw honey.

"It'd be better if we didn't get seen, Jason!" snapped Elfin, grabbing onto his legs in a vain attempt to pull him back. Jason kicked off his grip.

Standing up, he announced, "That's it, I'm going in!" Neptune laughed, while Elfin merely sighed, fist pounding the sandy cliff in frustration.

Jason ran to the far end of the cliff, got a running start, and jumped off! The wind rushed at his face as his two companions watched, stunned at his actions.

Just as Jason was about to hit rock bottom, he plunged his glowing blade into a crevice of the rock wall, breaking his free-fall and allowing him to stabilize himself. He then kicked off from the wall, pulled out his sword and landed noiselessly on the ground.

A trap. Iron bars shot out from the sand, which flew into Jason's eyes, tempoarily blinding him as he fell on his behind. More iron bars came forth, forming a cage.

"Argh!" shouted Jason, irritated by the sand in his eyes. When he finally got it out, he wished he couldn't see again.

Four armour-clad men surrounded his cage, dangerous spears pointed threateningly at his chest.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gonar and Leviathan

"A Piscian?"

The blue figure nodded. His head was diamon-shaped, with two sets of fin-like structures sticking out, forming ears. There seemed to be no eyes.

"What's a Piscian doing in the middle of the forest?" questioned Jason, eyebrow raised.

"Why," came that mystic, watery voice, "I live by the lake at the heart of the forest."

"The lake?" Elfin silently asked himself. That must have been why the river flow stopped so suspiciously.

After a few quick introductions, Jason and Elfin followed Neptune to the large lake. It was many yards wide and beautifully clear. Neptune dived in, and Jason was about to follow suit when Elfin stopped him.

"Piscians never invite other's to their home."

"I know. I suspect a trap too," replied Jason.

Elfin's expression was one of confusion. Throughout their many weeks together, he had learnt to trust the young man, but this was way too risky.

"You know what Piscians do to prisoners right?" Elfin whispered into his ear. Jason nodded, and jumped in. Sighing, Elfin dived as well.

*** *** ***

The cool water hit them like a refreshing breeze. Elfin cast an underwater spell to allow them to breathe in water. Meanwhile, Neptune was waiting just below the surface, signalling them to follow.

Jason felt himself unable to move. He had read about Piscians before, but this was amazing! The lake went in so deep that darkness clouded the depths of it. Beautiful, giant bubbles housed the many glowing bodies of blue. The bubbles circled a center bubble which was far bigger than the others. It was green and blue and gold all at the same time.

"That," said Neptune, obviously seeing Jason staring in awe at the bubble, "is the Power Sphere. It keeps the homes of the Piscians alive."

"Why'd you bring us here?" Elfin asked, his voice nearly lost in great awe.

Before he could get his reply, a pair of Piscians swam towards them, grabbing their wrists. Both Jason and Elfin, shocked at the sudden change of situations, tried to struggle, but underwater, their bodies were not as agile. The Piscians had obvious advantage.

"What're you doing!?" roared Jason, the underwater spell allowing his voice to travel even in the water. Jason trashed, but topped, eyes wide with horror as his sword was ripped out of its holster and thrown into the dark depths of the sea.

If he hadn't been bound, Jason would have punched his way through the Piscian holding him. Elfin was luckier, for he hid his staff in his Inventi before placing an invisibility spell upon it. If it meant any comfort to either of them, Neptune had also been bound.

*** *** ***

"Aquaea, quos quion kloree?" (My Lord, what's the meaning of this?) Neptune questioned frantically, trying his best not to shout. After all, they were in the king's personal bubble.

"Neptune, quintas gloo sree?" (Neptune, why the outsiders?) snapped the king. His crown of color-changing corals glowered in the light his translucent body emmitted. His voice was like thunder.

"Kloquomo, Aquaea...hilquoo..." his voice trailed off, and he kicked off with his legs towards the king, wanting to whisper. The guards made a move to grab hold of him, but the king waved them off with his hand.

"What the hell are they saying?" spat Jason. Elfin raised an eyebrow and shook his head in response.

The little private conversation had ended, and the king ordered his guardsmen to cut the weed that bound the three captives. Jason rubbed his wrists; the weeds were not at all pleasant to touch.

"My friends from the surface, Neptune here has told me of your amazing fighting skills. I have a little...proposition," said the king, his voice echoing through the whole bubble. He had paused to hestitate before the word "proposition".

"I sorta knew that was coming," Elfin muttered cheerily to Jason, who snorted sarcastically.

"We Piscians, have a little 'aquolem'--meaning, problem--and we were wondering if you brave warriors would accompany dear Neptune here to settle it," the king announced. At this, Neptune spun round to face his ruler, saying something that sounded like 'huh'.

"What's in it for us?" Jason, eyes always on the prize, jumped on the oppurtunity. Beside him, Elfin rolled his eyes.

Bursting with a baritone laughter, the king gasped, "Let's just say, if you don't agree to it, we have a torture bubble that hasn't been used in a long while!"

"That sucks..." murmured Jason disappointedly.

*** *** ***

They were led to a different bubble by several guards. Jason realised that the guards held spears and had green sashes tied around their waist. Neptune was rubbing his temple, obviously realising that his little deal with the king had backfired.

Lined against the curving walls of the bubble were weapons of every kinds: axes, swords, hammers, whips, spears and Piscian tools neither Elfin nor Jason recognised.

"Suit up, and prepare for the battle of a lifetime," ordered the guard, before giving out a laugh of sadistic humour.

"Battle?" Elfin turned to question Neptune. "Just what did you tell that king of yours?"

When Neptune didn't reply, Jason slammed him against the wall, causing an axe to fall onto the ground in a clutter. Elfin didn't stop the enraged man, and Neptune didn't bother to struggle.

"In the depths of this lake we live in, a horrible serpent dwells. It's called Gonar, and it's said to be unstoppable."

Jason's expression wavered.

"We're gonna face something unstoppable?" His hands dropped from Neptune's chest, and he sank onto his knees in despair. Before he even got to take a hit at Griephon, he was going to die.

Moments later they left the bubble and were brought through a dark cavern. Magical energies danced around it, somehow stopping the water pressure from crushing their lungs.

The guards left them there, and swam away fast. Elfin had his staff with him, Neptune his Dragon's Torch and Jason a longsword. He had picked it out from the weapon's bubble and it was much heavier than his magical scimitar.

All of a sudden, the earth shook and the cavern's walls seened to shriek, heralding the coming of something very, very powerful.

From the seabed burst forth a gigantic creature that resembled a sand worm, except it had flippers and a segmented body. It's jaws were lined with feet-long teeth and bone-crushing mandibles protruded from the side of its mouth. The creature--Gonar--didn't have eyes, for it didn't need them. The cavern, besides the small beams of blue light the walls emmitted, was devoid of light source.

Immediately after Gonar had emerged, the three unlucky souls sent to face it swam away, trying to get a better opening for attack. Jason dropped his heavy weapon and cursed loudly in frustration. The battle had already begun.

Elfin, staff high above his head, shot sharp blocks of ice at the beast, which howled irritably. It lunged for the mage, but Elfin was prepared.

Gonar let out another anguished howl as it's left mandible broke in two; it had gone straight towards a force field. Not wanting to let this chance slip by, Neptune took out his tool, only to realise that fire couldn't really work underwater.

"ARGH!" screamed Elfin in agony. Gonar had slammed its powerful tail at the force field, breaking it and sending the mage into a spasm.

Without his sword, Jason was useless in the battle, and Neptune didn't seem to be doing so well either...or did he?

A bright halo of white light suddenly engulfed the cavern. Jason spun round to see Neptune burning with intense energy, his Dragon's Torch between his stretched out palms. Gonar, sensing the warmth of the light, stopped its attack to turned to face the sudden outburst of magical energy.

A deafening roar was then unleashed, and whatever energy was building up inside Neptune exploded in yet another halo. Everything stopped, even Gonar. Jason felt his breath leave him.

The roar came again, and, in the same way as Gonar had, a powerful and awe-inspiring beast exploded from the ground. The waters swirled and Jason was thrown back into a stone wall, his armour saving him from a broken back. A red glow caught his eye from the bottom of the wall. He swam down to pick up his trusty sword, turning just in time to see what other monster had erupted into battle.

It was a dragon, a water dragon. Of the many dragons in the world, there were five most talked about. Overlord King of the Wind, Skyguard King of the Skies, Incendius King of Fire, Patronus King of Light and Leviathan King of the Seas. This was the fifth.

It let out its defeaning roar, a roar that gave Jason courage. He didn't notice, nor remember, what happened next. All he knew was that the next minute, he had his sword buried deep within Gonar's body. The creature tumbled onto the seabed, causing the sand to swirl and shimmer in the glow of the waters.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Fish in the Forest

"Jason, lad! He's awake! The mage's awake!"

Jason hurried over to the couch and stood beside the much shorter Greeny. Elfin's eyes fluttered open slowly.

"What happened...?" he asked softly. His voice was devoid of energy.

"We dunno, Elfin. I opened the door and next thing I know you were passin' out all over me floor!" answered Greenothumbos. Jason shook his head, signalling that he should take over from here. Greeny shrugged and walked off to greet a guest who had been ringing the counter bell for the past five minutes.

"Elfin, you okay?"

Sitting up, the mage replied, "I've had better days." Jason couldn't help but laugh.

Elfin didn't respond to the laughter. Instead, he looked at Jason with grim eyes. The young man knew something grave had happened, or was about to.

"I saw Spellophia...going into war. It's been five hundred years since the End. And now that it's been rebuilt, it's going to face more trouble..." Elfin's voice trailed off.

With a sigh, Jason said, "That no good Griephon...don't worry. We'll get him."

"It's not Griephon," cut in the elf. "I saw the man's face. The one who will invade Spellophia. It was dark; purely evil. Jason, I fear we have dug in way too deep this time. Griephon might not be our only problem."

They stared at each other in silence, Jason's jaw hung open.

"Well I've got your things down. Have a safe trip you lot," came Greeny's voice, breaking the silence. Jason and Elfin both looked up and saw that the dwarf had taken the liberty of bringing their bags down. Jason took his small backpack and Elfin his Inventi. Thanking Greeny, they left the Short Stalkers.

*** *** ***

Using the river Elfin had followed the night before, the pair headed towards the forest. The tree spirits there would help them get more information about Griephon's location. Having split up, they met together at a small lake where the river flow mysteriously stopped moments later.

Most of the tree spirits shunned either of them, but some offered helpful hints as to where Griephon might be hiding. A majority mentioned Siege Island, a place said to be a realm all on its own. The entrance to Siege was through a portal previously locked in the heart of the outbacks. However, Griephon had ordered the portal moved to his base of operations.

There was something else that nearly all the spirits who bothered to speak talked about. The many inhabitants of the forest were being oppressed by a ferocious beast sent by Griephon himself to capture powerful spirits.

"We should help them!" said Jason strongly. Elfin nodded, smiling.

Together, they ventured deeper into the forest, so deep that, even though it was noon, the sun's rays seemed to dim. As they neared a suspicious-looking cavern, a mind-blowing sound knocked both of them to the ground.


"What the heck is that!?" bellowed Jason, but his voice was lost in the horrible sound. Elfin decided not to waste the effort. He held up his staff, one hand on his left ear, and tried to utter a Silencing Spell. However, the screech, or roar or whatever it was made it hard to concentrate.

Then, as sudden as it had began, it stopped. A weird silence permeated in the woods.

"What the heck was that?" said Jason again.

"I do believe...I don't know," muttered Elfin. Just as he finished his sentence, a body of black skin stepped out from behind the cavern. Whatever it was, it had an extremely large mouth which hung open rudely, and blood-shot eyes. Two arms extended from either side of it, and its powerful feet were lined with two claws each. Pipe-like organs stuck out from its forehead and back, forming a tail.

"That's one ugly-ARGHH!" Jason was cut off as the creature unleashed yet another screeching roar. Admist the chaos, a jet of red flames, skilfully shot, blasted right into the creature's back. It stopped its sound attack and fell on its face, (or mouth, which was still wide open) struggling to get up.

"What the heck was that?" cursed Jason for the third time then.

"No more chit-chat and let's finish off the monster!" spat Elfin, who immediately cast his Silencing Spell. The sound beast had gotten up, and tried to unleash another sound attack. It was puzzled at first, but Jason sprang forward to relieve it of its bewilderment. His sword made a graceful arch, and that was that.

"Now, what the HECK was that!?" Jason yelled, frustrated at having asked the same question so many times.

"That was my Dragon Flare, and I'm sorry if I scared you two," said a cool, watery voice. Jason and Elfin looked around, but saw no one.

"Show yourself!" shouted Elfin. He gripped his staff harder.

A rustle of leaves, and out from the thick bushes came the blue, translucent body of a Piscian, in his hands a torch of some sort.

"Hi, my name's Neptune. Please to meet you."

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Revelation

Elfin dreamt.

The hand, that green omen in the sky, kept appearing. He couldn't understand why, but he knew something was going to happen, something bad. He saw that skeletal hand close again, for the fifth time that night, in his head. He saw it burning in the eerie green light. Finally, it exploded, and Elfin the mage jolted from his sleep.

Sweatdrops were slowly trickling down from his temple. He wiped them off with his sleeve. Looking up into the ceiling, he slowly sat up.

Their friend Greenothumbos, whom they had met again while on the road, had offered to give them some shelter in his very own inn. The Short Stalkers was situated in a small plain, devoid of towns. It was meant for travellers and wasn't very big. But one dared not be picky when roaming in the outbacks.

Elfin took up his staff and headed out of his room. The guest lounge was empty, and the roaring fire had dwindled to fading embers. Greeny was snoring behind the counter. Quietly, Elfin pushed open the front door, silencing the bell with a simple spell. The cool air of the plains were very refreshing.

Even in the outbacks, paradise was present. This was the other reason Elfin had agreed to join Jason on his quest. If Griephon were to take over, the small fields of wild flowers and fresh grass would be turned into breeding havens for his demons.

In the breeze of the cool night, Elfin clenched his fist, promising to vanquish Griephon and avenge his beloved Ayla.

*** *** ***

In the darkest reaches of the outbacks, a dark, spiral tower stood majestically. Winged demons hovered around its tip, roaring and shooting out different coloured bolts of energy.

In the uppermost floor of the spiral tower, a mutant demon sat on a grotesque throne. His wings were folded around him like a cape, and his clawed fingers were coated with metal that made his claws only more deadly. A dark shadown crept towards the throne silently, but nothing escaped Lord Griephon's ears.

"What is it, Black Magic?"

"Master..." came a voice raspy with weakness. "Master I have failed...failed to kill that elf. Have mercy master...he was with someone else, a boy..."

Griephon shifted his body, so that his metal claws could be seen in the dim light. He spoke in a deep voice, "You mean you lost to a meer boy?"

"No master!" squeaked Black Magic. No one could imagine his voice to hit such a note. It was pure fear that allowed it. "I didn't mean that master! That boy...he spoke of revenge against you! He wishes to defeat you!"

Griephon merely laughed. "Then let him come! Many have tried, and their efforts lie wasted as their bodies hang, rotting in my dungeons!"

The laughter echoed in the dark throne room, and Black Magic shuddered.

"As for you, puny shadown goblin. Defeat is not an option, I have no use for you now!" Griephon raised a claw. The goblin pleaded, but his soft squeaks were never heard. The claw dropped, and a scream echoed.

Moments later, a hunched imp entered the room. He whispered into Griephon's ear, as if the walls would overhear them.

Griephon dismissed the imp and pressed a knob on his throne. Four cylindrical tubes rose from the ground. In each was a Keltic, sleeping soundlessly in some green liquid.

"The Spellforce has been revived! Go my Keltics and destroy them!"

The glass cylinders shattered. Four Keltics sped down to Earth.

*** *** ***

Elfin followed the river course down into a small valley. He sat on the grass, stuck his staff into the earth and began to meditate. He felt himself rising off the ground as his thoughts cleared. Suddenly, a horrible picture emerged in his head. Elfin clutched his searing temple and began to scream into the night sky. No one could hear him.

He fell back onto the grass, his head burning. The pictures warped and changed, becoming like a mini movie in the mage's mind. Except this movie hurt.

He saw a group of children, each one of them fighting off demons of different kinds. He saw the once-great land of Spellophia, now rebuilt, going into war. He saw a girl, tossing in her sleep. He saw her lifeline cut in half, saw her die. Another girl, this one extremely striking, had a bolt of energy shot through her. Elfin saw her body dissolving, felt her spirit leaving. He saw the gates of New Spellophia opening. A dark face clouded this vision.


Elfin staggered to his feet, still holding his throbbing head. He made it to the entrance of The Short Stalkers, but just as Greeny opened the door, he crumbled onto the floor.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Power of Teamwork

They got up early the next morning, checking out of the inn and returning to the town market. Stocking up on supplies and some new clothings, they left the town before anyone could stop them.

"We're short on money," murmured Elfin as he was counting his gold.

"Well, we can always slay some demons and claim some cash prizes?"

They agreed on that, and proceeded to the next town, which was only an hour or so away. Greenothumbos had explained that the unnamed town they had just left used to be troubled by raids and attacks by Griephon's men. They would take anything they could find; valuables, food...sometimes even women. A human girl whom Greeny had taken quite a fancy for was just taken away not long ago.

The raids had stopped since then, but the people would not let their guard down.

"They would be disappointed to find out that we left...they were counting on us restoring peace to their town," said Jason quietly. His breath slowed, and Elfin knew that the hatred he had for Griephon was slowly growing.

Elfin stopped, and so did Jason. He said, "We'll defeat him Jason." The slayer nodded.

*** *** ***

Fortunately enough, the locals of Spar were having some problems--the demon kind. Jason agreed to slay the demons if he were paid fifty gold. The desperate Sparians tried to bargain at first, but eventually relented.

The backside of Spar was an ancient ruin. The people explained that it used to be a temple for clerics till Griephon's men came and burnt it down. Again, Jason let his anger burn. His sword glowed more menacingly than before.

Elfin pulled out a special gadget, shaped like a tube. He placed the object to his eye and twisted a few knobs. Jason knew what it was, for he had dreamt of using it when he was a kid. It was an X-visor, which allowed to user to see through walls and even clothes.

"There!" Elfin erupted suddenly, the X-visor still on his left eye. He pointed towards a rundown wall far off in the distance. The wall was painted in exotic colours.

Jason started running, and Elfin, after stowing away his gadget, ran after him. The pair caught up with each other and spotted a brown tail disappearing behind the coloured wall. Drawing his staff, Elfin muttered an incantation and the sands started to swirl. Immediately after that, something invisible shot through the troubled sand like a swift bullet. The "bullet" crashed into the wall, blasting it into debris.

They neared the destroyed wall, and heard a gag. The demon, a Peril Imp, had choked on sand and was now on its back, rolling about the earth.

Jason never stopped running. He sprang and leapt onto a pile of rubble, using it as a kick-off point. He shot off, sword flashing, and never made a sound.

However, Peril Imps had amazing hearing. The creature, got to its clawed feet, enlarged its wings, and took off. It was Elfin's turn. He plunged his staff into the sand, cried out an intelligible spell and watched as the ground exploded, throwing up sand and debris. The same invisible bullet crashed into the Peril Imp, but it didn't burst into pieces, just fell. Jason took his cue and threw his sword.

There was a muffled screech, and the Imp was dead.

"Alright!" cheered Jason, throwing his hands into the air. Elfin walked up to him as he pulled out his sword. It had struck the Imp right in the heart.

"We make a great team," said the elf. Jason could not agree more.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


It was a great relief to be out of the desert. A small unnamed town opened up before Jason Pendragon and Elfin, its arching gates like the doorway to a sweet haven for the two adventurers.

This part of Grimland, known as the Outbacks, were filled with deserts and abandoned plains. Due to the high magnitude of demon attacks, slayers were always welcomed in such towns. However, this was different.

As soon as the pair stepped into the town's square, many of the locals started running off, some turning back occassionally. Jason could see the fear in their eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked Elfin just as a small kid brushed past him. An older woman pulled the boy away, muttering some crude language and finally rushing off in the direction of the quaint cabins surrounding the square. Elfin merely shook his head.

"I guess these people don't like a mage and a dragon slayer stepping into their town."

"You got that right," came a gruff, male voice. Jason and Elfin turned towards its source, only to see a green-clad dwarf glaring at them. He was tall for his species.

"Why aren't you running away?" Elfin spoke, cutting off Jason, who looked like he was about to curse.

"Cuz' I ain't scared of no no-good mecenaries sent by Griephon!" spat the dwarf.

Elfin's left eyebrow, which had been up questioningly, finally slackened. He replied, " We aren't mecenaries my good man. In fact, we're here to gather more information about Griephon."

"We're here to kick his butt!" Jason cut in. Elfin glared at him.

Laughing, the dwarf said, "Kick Griephon's behind you say? Well I ain't heard of no one talking like that about Griephon before. Name's Greenothumbos, but folks here call me Greeny."

"Pleased to meet you," said the adventurers in unison.

"Wait here while I get the locals to come outta hiding..." muttered Greeny. He stalked off, his large tummy bobbing with each step. Jason couldn't help but laugh.

*** *** ***

Slowly, household by houshold, the townspeople appeared from their cabins. They went up to Jason and Elfin, asking questions and staring in awe at the "heroes", as quoted by the people themselves.

Greeny, meanwhile, was standing with them, enjoying part of the celebrity treatment as well. Fortunately for Jason, who had a growling stomach (Elves could go much longer without food), the locals offered them food as well as free rooms in the town inn.

Black Sacks, a name derived from a mythical artifact said to be able to summon demons, was fairly hospitable. It had a toasty fire burning in the small guestroom, bringing some light to the gloom. The beds were warm and soft, with a single pillow on each. Despite the smallness of the rooms, Jason was grateful. He had not slept on a proper bed for more than five years.

As he laid down that night, he thought of all that had happened. That night when his father was murdered by one of Griephon's men--the same night he found out his mother died. That was the night he vowed revenge. After the short battle was over, he returned to the temple and got the few remaining monks to teach him the skills of combat. In return he did chores for them.

The monks taught him all they knew, and he grasped it all in just six months. However, Jason needed more. When he and the other children were told they could leave the safety of the temple, he headed to Haven Tower to enhance his knowledge of combat. It took him two years. While he was there a warm-hearted warrior also taught him the basic skills of sword-fighting.

When the warrior left the tower, Jason went with him, learning from him as an apprentice. He kept his sword's special powers a secret, and as soon as he thought he had learnt enough, he left the warrior. As he travelled alone he heard rumors about Elfin and how the mage had single-handedly taken down twenty demons in a fit a rage when he saw them killing his lover. The demons belonged to Griephon.

So now here he was. He did not know what all this would lead him to, but he knew one thing.

"I will avenge you, Father...and you too, Mom."

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Green Omen

It seemed like many moments later before Jason's feet touched solid ground. He looked around, sword drawn and ready, and saw nothing but black mist surrounding him.

Nevertheless, Jason told himself to stay alert. He crouched low and and started walking through the thickening mist, everystep producing not a sound.

Suddenly, he felt a cold vice-like grip clamp onto his right ankle. He struggled but whatever that held him was extremely strong. It yanked, and Jason fell harshly. His sword flew out of his hands and fell soundlessly a few feet behind him.

"Hello, Jason Pendragon."

The thick voice of Black Magic filled whatever environment Jason was in. He appeared before Jason, a black shadow materialising from the ground.

"Release me!" spat Jason.

Black Magic shook his head and said, "It isn't me who is holding you."

He pointed to Jason's foot, and the dragon slayer saw that what was holding him was actually a rotten and decaying hand. He did his best not to wretch.

"Now watch as I perform my magic!" said the shadow goblin, who raised his hands into the air; this motion seemed to thicken the mist further.

The decayed hand shivered, sending shivers up Jason's spine, and from the mist a skeleton appeared, its arms attatched to the hand. Its empty sockets were glowing a horrid red.


A ball of fire shot through the black mist, whipping it up with its speed. It crashed into the zombie, and the undead creature released its hold.

"Damn it! Where did that come from?" roared Black Magic.

Jason scrambled to his sword, but again fell as the zombie caught his lower tigh. Angry, Jason kicked back hard. But the undead creature couldn't feel pain.

Flashes of light shot through the darkness a little far back from Jason. He turned his head and saw that Elfin was throwing Instanlite at Black Magic. The artefact burst into a halo of blinding light when it breaks. Elfin had a limited amount of it.

Jason then realised his captor was not moving. Black Magic was too distracted to give it further orders.

"Elfin, throw an Instanlite here!" he cried out. Elfin spotted him, down and on his belly, and did as he was told. Jason closed his eyes.

A bright light engulfed the whole place, and the zombie seemed to groan, yet no sound came from it as it had no vocal chords. Indeed, light was its natural foe. The undead's body broke into pieces. Then fragments. Then dust.

"ARGHHH!" a blood-curdling scream erupted, and Jason, whose eyes were still closed, stuffed a finger into each of his ears.

When Jason opened his eyes, the mist was gone, Black Magic was gone. They were back in the desert. A green glow was cast onto the sand, and he looked up into the sky.

The shape of a hand, bathed in green light, very much like the undead's, was splayed above him. Jason found his breathing difficult. Then, slowly, one by one the fingers closed. The index, the middle, the ring, the smallest, the thumb...

At last it was gone. The green hand burned away. Jason turned to look at Elfin.

"What the heck was that?" he asked quietly, as if his voice might evoke a sand worm attack.

"An omen," whispered Elfin in the same way. "An omen of disaster..."

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Of Fire and Sand

The burning house was eventually put out by a strong water spell cast by Elfin. The poor mage looked at his home, now nothing but embers, and sighed.

"Don't worry, Elfin, I'm gonna get that Black Magic guy..." said Jason sympathetically.

"I think the real question is, who is he? Where did he come from? Who sent him?"

Jason admired Elfin's spirit. Inspite of a very great loss (literally) he still could look on with determination towards his mission. Jason could only nod in response.

"C'mon then, no use moping over spilt milk..." Elfin turned to pick up his fallen Inventi. Sighing, Jason followed the elf out of the compound and into the now-quiet streets. A group of kids, elves and humans, had gathered to steal a peek. They had probably seen the smoke rising from the mansion.

As they exited the gates of Elvinio, Jason could not help but feel as if they were being followed.

*** *** ***

The desert at night was as cold as a winter snowstorm. The giant winds threw sand and dust into their eyes as Jason and Elfin headed east, where Griephon's main operations were being held.

"I think we should stop!" cried Elfin over the roar of the wind.

"No!" snapped Jason loudly. "If we stop now we're dinner for sand worms!"

"We're getting no-ARGH!"

Elfin's scream was cut short as a gigantic worm burst forth from the earth. It was yellow and had large, circular jaws lined with rotten, triangular teeth.

The worm slammed its body, seemingly at Elfin, but the mage had created a force field to protect himself from the blow.

"Elfin!" yelled Jason. His voice was nothing compared to the loud winds. He drew his blade and dashed for the sand worm. The red light glowed in the night sky. Jason leapt just as he was within range. He couldn't see, but sand worms liked to roar. He knew exactly where the monster was.

The sword pierced soft, sticky flesh. A deafening screech erupted in Jason's ear-drums as he dried to withdraw his blade. Next came the shaking. Jason dug his fingers into the worm's moist skin, feeling sick. The worm was trashing in pain. The stab was nothing, but the magical red glow was causing damage along with fireballs from Elfin's side. Jason could feel their heat.

Finally, the trashing stopped. The sword and Elfin's spells had done enough damage. The worm sank back into the sand. Jason grabbed his sword and jumped off just as the monstrosity was sucked into the earth.

"They have a weird way of dying," said the dragon slayer. Elfin merely nodded and looked around. The winds had stopped.

"What the-"

A black shadow, darker than any part of the sand around them, had suddenly appeared below their legs. Before Jason could finish his curse, he found himself falling. He turned to see if Elfin was beside him.

He no longer was.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Black Magic

"Where to now?"

"You're the adventurer. You tell me."

"Yeah well my first priotiy after training up the past ten years was to find you...then I suppose get more allies and kill Griephon."

Elfin shook his head. Obviously Jason had little of a plan. They were still at the mansion, stocking up. Elfin would put his house under tight magical security while he was gone, and if he were to die finding Griephon, the house would be sold and the money given to charity.

Jason was amazed at the different magical items Elfin possessed. There was a special bag that always remained as small as it was no matter what was placed into it. Elfin called it an Inventi. Other items included smoke bombs, dust that could explode, everliving-flame, summoners and so on. Elfin took as many things as he could. Of course, that would mean everything, for the Inventi never seemed to be full.

"Let's go," said Elfin finally. They were at the door when a sudden tingle of magi energy hit the mage. He signaled to Jason not to touch the door. Jason backed away slowly, sword drawn.

"Spellbinder!" announced Elfin, his staff pointed towards the handle. Immediately the door clicked open and burst backwards with immense force. Tapping the end of his staff onto the ground, Elfin walked out the doorway, warily looking left and right.

"We're being watched..."

Suddenly, a black ball came flying into the house, scraping Elfin's ear as he tried to duck unskilfully. The ball landed on the couch, and started ticking. Jason's eyes widened.

"Get outta here, Elfin!" he cried, diving onto the mage and pushing them out of the house as it blew into debris. Elfin's Inventi rolled onto one of the stone platforms of his pool, right next to a pair of black feet.

"Name's Black Magic, and I'm a shadow goblin," announced the creature as Elfin and Jason scrambled to their feet.

"Nobody asked!" spat Jason as he drew his sword and charged at the goblin. Leaping onto the stone platform, he took a quick swipe, only to find his opponent had disappeared. Cursing, he sliced the empty air in vain.

Elfin, meanwhile, was staring helplessly as his house became nothing but burning debris and smoke.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Shadow Zone

As soon as Jason's eyes adjusted to the light, he found himself surrounded by stone walls. Wherever he was, it was fairly wide. It had about the amount same space as the small oasis he had been resting in earlier on.

Instinct urged Jason to draw his sword, and he never doubted his instinct. The red light buzzed to life, yet it was not enough to overcome the darkness. Somehow the room was not totally dark; he could still see his hands when he held them in front of him. Readying himself, Jason crouched low, not wanting to accidentally trip over anything.

Experience told him that the room was booby-trapped, but as he began to recall what he had been doing just a few moments before, he let himself relax a little. This might just be a test from Elfin after all. Or maybe it the elf mage had been kidnapped, and his nappers had laid some sort of magical trap in the manshion. Jason could not help but feel stupid as his knowledge of magical arts was very limited.

A sharp sound, like metal nails dragged along a stone wall, pierced Jason so suddenly that the dragon slayer dropped his sword. Big mistake. No sooner had the sound stopped that a shadowy figure appeared from behind Jason, hitting him hard on the back. Jason fell, cursing.

Rolling over to pick up his sword, Jason jumped back up, summoning the red light to give him a quick look at his opponent.

It had green, greasy hair, falling all over its dark face. Its eyes were white with insane bloodlust and its jaws hung open, revealing a set of pointed yellow teeth. The two points on each of its ears were unmistakable; it was a fully-grown goblin.

The creature jumped atop Jason once more, but the swift man ducked aside before the goblin could land. Jason quickly brought his blade into position, ready for a finishing swipe. The dazed goblin got up, trying to shake its concussion away.

That was all Jason needed. With one fine stab, he let the searing light of his enchanted blade burn through the heart of his enemy. The goblin gave a sharp, defeated cry before toppling backwards onto the stone floor. Jason retrieved his sword.

Suddenly a violent tremor shook the room, causing the unprepared Jason to fall back. A quick step backwards prevented him from crashing onto the ground.

"Argh!" A stone had fallen from the ceiling, knocking Jason out.

*** *** ***

The first things he saw were those emerald eyes. Jason groaned and clutched his head, a loud throbbing ringing inside it.

"Jason Pendragon, famous bounty hunter and dragon slayer. Known for his superb combat skills and almost perfect balance. Age, eighteen. Goal: Revenge."

Jason sat up slowly, his ears buzzing.

"Yeah. Looks like you've done your research Elfin. Not many know about my purpose in life."

Elfin raised his eyebrows, saying, "Is is not the famous Pendragon family that died in the revolution against Lord Griephon?"

Jason nodded. He stood up, ignoring the pain.

"Then is it not the son who should seek revenge against the one who murdered his parents, leaving him an orphan for ten full years?"

Jason nodded once more. This time he was fighting back memories. And tears.

"Tell me your purpose in seeking me then," said Elfin, his eyes sparkling, his voice lowered.

Jason breathed in deeply before replying, "I've come to ask for your help. I know...know your loved ones died under Griephon's hands as well...I thought... " But Jason's head was still ringing. Suddenly he remembered the stone room and the ugly goblin. He wanted to ask how he got there and back. He opened his mouth to speak.

"You have passed my test," spoke Elfin, as if reading his thoughts. "I will be glad to go with you, Jason."

Jason tried to smile, but merely fainted.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Elven Help

The sun was like a curse upon the land, scorching the dried fields and heating the deserted plains. Jason trudged on, ignoring the sweat trickling down between his eyes. His back was pressed down by the weight of his latest prize: the red-and-black armour, emblem of a dragon slayer in the town of Cyrus.

The heated plains opened up to reveal a small oasis of sort. Jason sighed in relief, quickening his pace as soon as he spotted the lush greenery ahead of him.

After refilling his water pouch and sharpening his sword, Jason slipped out of his burnt clothes (which were smelling extremely ripe) and put on the armour. It, like the sword he wielded, felt extremely light. Bending down to pick up his weapon, he found the armour rather flexible. Not wanting to take any chances, he took off the breast plate and gave a quick stab at it with his sword. He made sure he kept the metal-burning light the weapon emitted turned off.

Jason realised the weapon worked with his thoughts. If he wanted the light to turn on, he just had to command it to. Also, it was linked to his emotions. The more emotional he got during fights, the stronger the power of the light.

The breastplate produced not even a scratch. Jason smiled as he put the armour back on. He decided to leave his old clothing behind and buy some new ones at the next town. Withdrawing his money bag, he headed off.

*** *** ***

Elvinio, City of Elves was a magnificent spectacle. Its high-rise buildings and polished streets overwhelmed Jason greatly. He felt out of place in his armour when everyone else were in either traditional robes of fine cotton or the more modern day clothes. Pointy-earred elves rushed from street to street, all going about their work.

Not all the residents of Elvinio were elves; many smartly-dressed humans wearing robes only a millionaire could afford pranced about the streets like nobody's business. Jason's mission today was simple: get the help of Elvinio's greatest mage: Elfin.

Elfin's Corner was easy to spot. A large sign overhead with an arrow pointing to a more remote part of the city hung before Jason. He followed the arrow and approached a well-maintained mini-manshion. Jason jumped across the stone steps of a large pond, nearing the door with each light-hearted step. Finally he got to the door and knocked twice.

"Yes?" said a cool voice as the door opened slightly, revealing a pair of emerald eyes.

"I have an appointment. I sent a messenger from Cyrus a week ago?" Jason replied just as cooly.

"Come in," said the voice, and the doors were pulled apart. Jason stepped in. The room was dark.

The emerald eyes were gone, the room was gone, in an instance, Jason's feet no longer touched the ground of the manshion. He was no longer at Elfin's Corner.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Drawing Swords

Jason felt his knees go weak. His head whirled crazily and his hands trembled. He immediately forgot about being cautious and dashed out to his father.

The winged figure which had cruelly struck down with a deadly silver claw was gone along with the black mist. The sounds of nearby battles started to dwindle as shouts of retreat rang in the air.

Jason fell on his knees, ignoring the sharp pain as gravel and broken glass pierced his skin.

"Father!" he roared. "Father wake up! Father...wake up..."

The tears couldn't stop. He let them all out, cradling his father's head. The glistening drops of water sparkled on Garen's temple. Finally, Jason's eyes fell upon a red light emitting a couple of feet away from him.

The boy put his father's head down carefully, before walking slowly towards the light. His tear-filled eyes brightened when he saw that it was a sword.

It was shaped like a good-old scimitar, except that the handle, usually decorated in fine carvings, was wrapped in black. Jason picked up the sword; it felt feather-light and easy to wield.

The black whatever-it-was that was wrapped around the handle provided a firm grip for the wielder. Jason also noticed that the hilt was that of a katana's. He gave it a swing, and the bright red light cut the air with a flourish.

The light seemed to snap Jason back into reality. He turned to his father, saying, "I will avenge you, Father. With this sword, I swear upon your name and mother's."

Jason's eyes filled with tears yet again as he recalled that dreadful day where his mother was so brutally beatened by a whole swarm of keltics. It was only a week ago when she had been admitted into the hospital. Jason felt it was only right that he proceeded to the hospital to break the news to her.

Little did he know, the hospital was already a burning heap.

*** *** ***

Ten years later

Jason Pendragon dived to the right, his shirt nearly catching fire as the heat of the dragon's flames made his eyes tear.

Bringing his sword up to block another dive from the beast, Jason ducked and finally got to his knees. Grabbing the tail of the powerful monster, he braced himself as the dragon took off. Jason hung on for dear life.

The dragon roared in agony as Jason plunged his sword down the base of its tail for anchor, and hoisted himself up onto the beast, cursing. He pulled out the glowing blade and, with balance perfected over ten years, leapt onto the dragon's spine, followed by its head.

"Goodbye!" Jason plunged the sword home.

There was a terrifying roar as the dragon plumetted down to the earth, Jason clinging onto one of its horns, praying that he could hang on.

Next thing he knew, he was back on the ground, surrounded by a huge cheering crowd. A man stepped up to him and said something; Jason couldn't hear him due to the loud screams and cheers. All he could register was a red armour being pushed into his arms.

The mark of a dragon slayer.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Jason woke up drenched in sweat. He took in a deep breath and held it there, listening intently; the noises outside had lasted since noon.

The eight-year-old scrambled from his bed, despite his parents' countless warnings for him to stay inside his dorm. They told him a war had started, and had hidden him in the Temple of Forsa. With him were many other kids, boys and girls alike, all of different ages. The older children were helping the temple masters ensure that everyone was asleep, and how easy they were to get pass.

Jason stuck his back onto the wall, after making sure his rock-hard pillows were under the covers, and inched his way to the door. He saw the passing shadow of one of the older teens.

A boy with blonde hair peeked through the doorway and, seeing what he thought was Jason nicely tucked away under the covers, smiled to himself before walking off.

Jason sighed at how easily tricked his peers were, and immediately made a quick but silent dash for the door.

The sounds of sword clanging rang audibly even as Jason neared the back of the temple, where a secret door was. He found it a week or so ago with help from a twelve-year-old girl, who like him was not contented about being kept away in the temple.

As Jason approached the ancient walls of Forsa, he palmed the many bumps on it till his fingers hit a triangular one. Hastily, he grabbed it and twisted with all his might. The bump turned, and at the same time a hole in the wall appeared.

Jason scrambled through the hole and crawled on his belly for quite awhile till his face hit open air. The smell of blood nearly caused Jason to wretch. A dark mist shrouded the deserted streets of Grimland. Dressed in nothing but a one-piece garment made of cotton that covered his knees, Jason ran.

*** *** ***

Garen winced as his opponent drew the sword from his left thigh. He did his best not to scream, but the pain was overwhelming. That was no ordinary sword.

With his right leg, Garen shot out at the gut of the soldier. He let out a muffled yell as he fell on his back. Not wasting a second, Garen reached for the man's fallen sword and struck the place his foot had hit.

The fallen soldier screamed loudly. Yes, it was no ordinary sword.

Garen was just about to turn when the pain in his leg caused him to cringe once more. He fell harshly on his side and tried to get up but to no avail. A black mist obscured his vision, but he thought he saw a winged figure walking towards him.

To Garen, it was an angel taking him to heaven. To his son watching from behind a garbage heap, it was the angel of death.

It was his father's murderer.