
Sunday, May 28, 2006


It was a great relief to be out of the desert. A small unnamed town opened up before Jason Pendragon and Elfin, its arching gates like the doorway to a sweet haven for the two adventurers.

This part of Grimland, known as the Outbacks, were filled with deserts and abandoned plains. Due to the high magnitude of demon attacks, slayers were always welcomed in such towns. However, this was different.

As soon as the pair stepped into the town's square, many of the locals started running off, some turning back occassionally. Jason could see the fear in their eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked Elfin just as a small kid brushed past him. An older woman pulled the boy away, muttering some crude language and finally rushing off in the direction of the quaint cabins surrounding the square. Elfin merely shook his head.

"I guess these people don't like a mage and a dragon slayer stepping into their town."

"You got that right," came a gruff, male voice. Jason and Elfin turned towards its source, only to see a green-clad dwarf glaring at them. He was tall for his species.

"Why aren't you running away?" Elfin spoke, cutting off Jason, who looked like he was about to curse.

"Cuz' I ain't scared of no no-good mecenaries sent by Griephon!" spat the dwarf.

Elfin's left eyebrow, which had been up questioningly, finally slackened. He replied, " We aren't mecenaries my good man. In fact, we're here to gather more information about Griephon."

"We're here to kick his butt!" Jason cut in. Elfin glared at him.

Laughing, the dwarf said, "Kick Griephon's behind you say? Well I ain't heard of no one talking like that about Griephon before. Name's Greenothumbos, but folks here call me Greeny."

"Pleased to meet you," said the adventurers in unison.

"Wait here while I get the locals to come outta hiding..." muttered Greeny. He stalked off, his large tummy bobbing with each step. Jason couldn't help but laugh.

*** *** ***

Slowly, household by houshold, the townspeople appeared from their cabins. They went up to Jason and Elfin, asking questions and staring in awe at the "heroes", as quoted by the people themselves.

Greeny, meanwhile, was standing with them, enjoying part of the celebrity treatment as well. Fortunately for Jason, who had a growling stomach (Elves could go much longer without food), the locals offered them food as well as free rooms in the town inn.

Black Sacks, a name derived from a mythical artifact said to be able to summon demons, was fairly hospitable. It had a toasty fire burning in the small guestroom, bringing some light to the gloom. The beds were warm and soft, with a single pillow on each. Despite the smallness of the rooms, Jason was grateful. He had not slept on a proper bed for more than five years.

As he laid down that night, he thought of all that had happened. That night when his father was murdered by one of Griephon's men--the same night he found out his mother died. That was the night he vowed revenge. After the short battle was over, he returned to the temple and got the few remaining monks to teach him the skills of combat. In return he did chores for them.

The monks taught him all they knew, and he grasped it all in just six months. However, Jason needed more. When he and the other children were told they could leave the safety of the temple, he headed to Haven Tower to enhance his knowledge of combat. It took him two years. While he was there a warm-hearted warrior also taught him the basic skills of sword-fighting.

When the warrior left the tower, Jason went with him, learning from him as an apprentice. He kept his sword's special powers a secret, and as soon as he thought he had learnt enough, he left the warrior. As he travelled alone he heard rumors about Elfin and how the mage had single-handedly taken down twenty demons in a fit a rage when he saw them killing his lover. The demons belonged to Griephon.

So now here he was. He did not know what all this would lead him to, but he knew one thing.

"I will avenge you, Father...and you too, Mom."

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