His hands were cuffed, and the guardsmen led him into the heart of the village, where a huge pole stood erect. Tied to that pole was a man with a mane of silver hair and closed eyes. His crown of exotic feathers lay crooked atop his sharp skull--he was the village priest.
Jason could not help but turn away; the man's bare chest were streaked with crimson stripes, glistening in the noon's sun. Redirecting his thoughts, he asked himself: Where were Elfin and Neptune?
The guards threw him roughly onto the sandy soil. The harshness of the sand stung his cheeks.
"So you're the boy Master Griephon has told us about. You don't look so threatening!" laughed a black guard.
Jason shifted himself to face the man, saying, "Traitor! Backstabbing your people to serve a demon!"
The guard stopped laughing, his expression hardening. He used the butt of his spear and whacked it into Jason's side, where his armor failed to protect. Jason let out a muffled yell and rolled to his side in order to get a good view of the man who had struck him. The black guard scowled, the fine scar on his temple creasing as his eyes narrowed. Spitting at Jason, the man walked off.
Jason wiped the saliva off on the sand, stinging himself yet again. He saw that a group of guards had his sword with them, the red glow turned off.
"Damn it!"
"You there," came a agonised voice softly, "why they take you?"
It took awhile for Jason to realise that these people were not exactly very literate. "I don't know."
"These people...evil...come for our women..."
It was then that it dawned on Jason, that these people weren't here because Griephon sent them, but because of their own male needs. The flame of hatred burned stronger.
"Don't worry my friend," said Jason reassuringly to both himself and the tribesman, "I'll get you out."
The man's weak eyes became questioning. Jason ignored him and felt around the sand, hoping to find a piece of sharp rock or glass. Just then, another guard approached them, bringing with him a young woman, who was struggling to break free of his hold.
"Anashta!" cried the imprisoned man.
"I'll taint your daughter right in front of you old man!" spat the guard. He then grabbed the woman's bare shoulders and tossed her to the ground. Her loose loincloth dropped below her hip and her bare chest heaved as she sobbed in anticipation of what was to become of her.
Jason had seen enough. He beckoned with all his might for his enchanted sword as the guard tried to get on top of Anashta. Somehow he knew that the blade could hear him.
Anashta's father was roaring in his own native tongue. With all his willpower, Jason reached out for his blade. Suddenly, the guard who was holding it and watching his comrade do his dirty work, gave a small jump. His sadistic laughter turned to a small yelp as Jason's blade grew red in his hand. As it dropped, it sped towards Jason, cutting him free.
"ARGH!" The dragon slayer grabbed hold of his prized weapon and swiped at the guard, who was halfway atop Anashta. The guard screamed.
Heart slamming with pure fury, Jason lunged again and again. Over and over again. Every stab to ensure that his target would perish. He didn't even feel the other guardsmen grabbing hold of him, neither did he feel the stab wound at his side.
*** *** ***
Jason fell heavily onto the ground. The pain that the other soldiers had inflicted upon him finally sank in. He could feel the stab wounds at his side and arms stinging in a distant pain. His vision wavered and his eyes flickered shut.
"He's down for the count," hissed a pitchy voice.
*** *** ***
"Not now Neptune!" snapped the mage.
Neptune watched as Jason struck again and again at the already-dead man. He felt his heart thump when he saw the other guards striking him with their gleaming daggers.
"Elfin?" he said again.
Elfin didn't reply. The large bush they were hiding behind rustled. Jason took another hit in the side, yet he didnt stop stabbing.
"Elfin!" spat Neptune as he saw the dragon slayer fall.
"Okay, NOW!"
Jumping out of from behind the bush, Elfin launched a series of electrical bolts at the many guards while Neptune pulled out another handy dracomancer tool--a Fire Stormer. The device shot volts of red-hot flames equivalent to the power of a dragon's breath.
The guards were downed easily.
Elfin rushed up to Jason immediately, muttering some healing spell, while Neptune went to free the imprisoned man.
The man didn't thank them, instead, he rushed to his daughter, who was sobbing uncontrollably.
*** *** ***
"We thank you, brave people who saved our home."
Jason, Neptune and Elfin bowed as garlets of flowers were placed over their heads. Jason smiled as he realised the woman doing so for him was Anashta. She mouthed the words "Thank you" and backed away to stand beside her father.
That night, after a big feast, they rested in some guest huts. When the sun rose the next morning, they left before anyone would miss them.
Such is the way of the heroic adventurer.
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