
Monday, February 18, 2008

A Warning

Chapter 9

Now deep in the forest of Wormwood, four mages found themselves exhausted and dehydrated.

From thin air, Tobias conjured three flasks, passing them around to his fellow magicians. They drank sparringly, though they knew any one of them could just conjure more water if they ran out. Still, it was better to play safe; magic required energy, and a dehydrated mage was a dead one.

Bane handed his flask to Longfang, whom Tobias had conveniently forgotten while producing the precious water. Longfang drank, spat, and took another gulp.

"Way to go," said Tobias, the disgust in his voice emminent. "You just wasted a mouthful of water."

Panzer looked at the elf with amusement in his eyes. "I'm sorry. Once I get my Channel back, I'll repay you twofold."

Tobias lunged forward, but Alyson--who had been recuperated by Bane--held him back.

"Relax, Tobias," she said soothingly.

Gritting his teeth, the elf slackened his muscles, and Alyson took her cue to let go.

"Enough of this, Tobias," Bane ordered. "We have more important things that you can waste energy on, so save it for now."

Reluctantly, Tobias replied, "Yes, sir."

Bane turned to continue moving when something bounded past him, causing him to jump back. That something rounded about, rearing up and kicking its hooved legs. Bane, Tobias and Alyson pulled out their Channels defensively as the creature stamped on the ground.

It, or he, had sapphire eyes. A mop of long, black hair framed his squarish, bearded face. His naked torso was that of a human male, and was broad, sloping down towards his lean abs. His muscular arms were crossed proudly across his hairy chest.

Of course, that did not seem at all strange. What was strange was that this rather handsome man's upper body was attached to a tanned horse's body, hooves, tail and all. Bane knew instantly what this creature was.

He was a centaur.

"What do you want?" Bane asked, his finger tight around the trigger.

"I should be asking you that, human," rumbled the centaur.

Bane lowered his weapons, taking a step forward. The centaur watched him warily.

"He sure has a thing for trusting people today," Alyson muttered to Tobias.

The elf shrugged. "Maybe we're still in that wisp."

Then they both shushed; Bane had spoken. "My name is Justin Bane. That's Alyson Reed. The elf's called Tobias Bolt, and the rugged-looking man's Panzer Longfang."

He was being completely honest. He had to be; centaurs had a knack for recognising and disposing of liars. And there was no way he wanted to be part of a centaur's Burning Ritual, their annual sacrifice to the Forest Spirits.

The centaur seemed extremely wary of them, and when he spoke he did so with much caution in his voice. "My name is Blitzon, from the Nothern Tribe. You are in our territory."

"I'm sorry," said Bane, slowly. He wracked his brains, deciding to take a gamble. "We're looking for a group of lost children. There has been deaths recently. Have you seen or heard anything?"

"Are you accusing me of something?" demanded Blitzon, scratching the dirt with his hoof.

Bane took a step back, lowering his body. "No, I wouldn't dare. But it is important, if you know anything, that you tell me about any suspiscious happenings in this forest of late."

Blitzon was silent, and Bane knew the centaur was wondering if he could trust them. Finally, he relented, saying, "Recently, another human has been passing in and out of the Solem Barrier. She had children with her. We have tried to drive her out, but..."

And suddenly Bane understood. They had lost to a human being, and a woman at that. It was a disgrace to their tribe, and they probably grew more careful after the confrontation.

"A woman, you say?"

Nodding, Blitzon said, "A blond-haired one. Her prowess over the magical arts are extensive, to the point that she doesn't even require an external Channel, like you possess."

Bane, Alyson and Tobias gasped in unison. A mage with no Channel taking down a band of centaurs? How in the magical world was that possible?

"I warn you, human," Blitzon continued, his gaze intense, his voice low. "Do not attempt to go after this woman. For if you do, you would most surely die."

And with that, the centaur galloped off, disappearing through the foliage.

Bane turned, his eyes meeting Alyson's, then Tobias'.

"Did you guys hear that?" Bane asked, his mind numb.

Both Alyson and Tobias nodded. The former said, "Looks like Longfang is innocent, and our problems just got a lot worse."

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