
Friday, September 29, 2006

Out of the Fire

The dragon they were riding on had a hard, greyish coat. Jason recognized it as a Grey Armour-back. It was smaller in comparison to most dragons, but what could you expect from a dragon summoned by handcuffs?

Neptune sat at the base of the beast's long neck, directing it calmly with Dragonspeech. Elfin was lying between the dragon's wings, his breaths slow and heavy. They didn't know how long they had been in the Tunnel, but the sun was up slightly, and it felt like dawn had just broken. Jason sighed in relief.

Then, from behind them, a distant screech echoed through the sky. Turning back, Jason saw that the gremlin had caught up with them, and his eyes were burning with the fury and rage of being outsmarted.

"We've got company," he warned Neptune, who nodded and said something in Dragonspeech. The Armour-back shot forward with a sudden burst of speed, then veered round, at the same time keeping its wings up to prevent Elfin from falling.

Demon and dragon sped head-first towards each other. Two creatures that under any normal circumstances, Jason would have slayed. But this was too great a show to miss.

The gremlin fired acid at the dragon, while the Grey Armour-back glided upwards, blowing away the threat with a flap of its huge wings.

Diving, the dragon opened its huge jaws, letting loose a host of flames, causing the gremlin to reel back. But neither creatures were letting up. Neptune began shouting in Dragonspeech.

Closer and closer. Then Neptune did something, and Jason wasn't sure what happened, but he had heard somewhere that dracomancers could alter a dragon's size and shape. All of a sudden the gremlin seemed so much smaller.

Jason thought he saw the demon which had tortured him and caused Elfin to be in such a state screaming in fear, trying to turn around in mid-air. But those gigantic jaws clamped down, and the gremlin was gone in a burst of fire.

*** *** ***

"Jason," Elfin's voice was faint, but it snapped Jason out of his awe-struck trance. "We're too..."

"Don't worry Elfin, we'll find a way. Hang in there alright?"

Elfin nodded, then closed his eyes. Jason made sure he was breathing all the way.

"I know where we can get another Inventi," yelled Neptune over the wind as they began to take up speed. "Draco Isle. Armour-back here can take us there."

"What's in Draco Isle?" Jason shouted back.

But Neptune didn't answer; he was speaking in Dragonspeech again. Frantically this time.

*** *** ***

As night began to fall, Jason could feel his stomach growling. Elfin had fallen into a deep sleep, but was still breathing normally.

A few feet ahead of him sat Neptune, still speaking in Dragonspeech. He wanted to ask the Piscian how long more it would take, but something told him not to interrupt.

At long last, the dragon slowed down, hovering over a small, crescent-shaped island. Jason turned his head and saw the long coasts of the outbacks fading away.

The sea breeze hit them like a refreshing shower when they landed. Jason woke Elfin up, and the three of them got down from the Armour-back. The mighty dragon roared, then flew off towards the setting sun.

The island was beautiful compared to most of the outbacks. The waters were crystalline, and the lush plains no longer gave off the familiar smell of death that one could sense in the outbacks. Jason took a deep breath, and whooped loudly.

"C'mon, let's go!" Neptune said, then started running.

"What? We just got here!"

Sighing, Jason and Elfin trudged off after their friend. They hadn't had the energy to question him. They crossed the scented plains and went up a gentle slope. As they reached the top Jason looked down and his eyes widened.

Between two hills was a campsite. Roaring fires cackled audibly through the night sky as people of all races danced around them. Elves, humans, dwarves, goblins and Piscians. Men and women alike, all holding hands and dressed in garments made from grass and other natural materials.

"What the hell is this?" asked Jason, eyes still fixed on the spectacle before him.

"This," said Neptune rather pridefully, "is the dracomancer's guild."

"Amazing," Elfin joined in, his voice now echoing his regained strength. "I never thought I'd get to see this. This must be Eva Draconia, am I right?"

Neptune nodded his head. His bluish glow seemed to have become more radiant.

"Why'd you bring us here, Nep?" Jason felt he had to ask.

"I've friends here who can help," was all that he said. He began walking swiftly down the hill. Jason shrugged at Elfin and followed the Piscian.