
Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Dragon Saves

The clawed fist came again and again, hitting Elfin square in the gut. Then it flew into his face, followed by his shoulder.

"How does it feel? To be powerless and beaten? You're no fighter Elfin..." the gremlin mocked. It spat acidic saliva onto Elfin's covered leg, stinging it.

The mage was on the floor, holding himself up with one arm, the other arm clutching his leg. A mix of blood and saliva lined his lower jaw, and a sickening feeling was developing in the pit of his stomach.

Grabbing a fistful of light-brown hair, the gremlin jerked Elfin's head back, then gave another scratch symmetrical to the scar on his right cheek. With the back of its hand, it then slapped him hard.

Elfin cried out, unable to take the torture. "Damn it! Damn it!"

"Tell me," said the gremlin, "should I blind you? Or make you lame? Perhaps both, perhaps I should take away some other organ?" It broke out in manical laughter.

When Elfin saw the demon engrossed in his sadism, he muttered a simple enchantment. It was yet another old spell that could be performed without a staff. As soon as he spoke the incantation, the iron orb that limited his mobility rose a few feet in the air, and crashed--right on the gremlin's foot.

It stopped laughing and screeched. Kicking up the ball, it launched a fist into it. It exploded into dust.

"You'll pay, mage!" the demon hissed.

*** *** ***

Deep in the other end of The Tunnel, Neptune looked around, every fibre of his neck aching. He saw nothing but rock and gravel; not one sign of an object worthy enough to be tributed to summon a dragon.

He was too weak to morph into part-dragon form, and the transformation would only tighten the chains holding him prisoner.

Wait a minute! The chains!

Suddenly aware of the metal contraptions on his arms and legs, the Piscian gathered up what little energy he had and got to work.

*** *** ***

From every corner of the cave, the gremlin flung Elfin from wall to wall. As his bones cracked, the elf screamed in pure anguish.

Soon the gremlin got bored of using Elfin as a frisbee, and decided to see how long it would take for the mage to bleed to death.

Cutting a deep hole into Elfin's abdomen, the gremlin withdrew his claws and let his victim fall over in pain. His screams dwindled to muffled pants, and his sweat had created a small pool.

"I'll go deal with your friend Jason now. You just sit tight and enjoy the pain. I know I did..."

With that, the demon finally left Elfin, disappearing into the shadows.

*** *** ***

When the gremlin arrived at Jason's portion of the Tunnel, he saw a huge hole at one end of it. On the rock wall where the dragon slayer should have been, there was nothing but broken chains and shackles. The enchanted sword stuck into a crevice was also gone.

A loud explosion erupted from the far end of the Tunnel. Realising what had happened, the gremlin screamed and took off.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Light Beyond the Tunnel

When Neptune awoke, he wished he hadn't. He found himself strapped to a sharp stone, the edge of which was digging into his skull. No longer in his half-dragon form, his thin legs were stretched in a way that should have caused them pain. Yet they did not hurt, for they had already been broken for a rather long time.

An eerie silence filled the dark space Neptune was trapped in. He felt that if he spoke, he would not even hear his own voice. The cold was numbing.

"Ah, you have awoken," the familiar nasal voice broke the creepy silence. Neptune would have turned, but his neck was too sore for movement. "Had a nice nap?"

"I've been better," gasped Neptune, his own lack of voice scaring him.

A sneering laugh shook the darkness.

"Where...where are we?"

Yellow eyes came to life as the gremlin replied, "In a cave the locals call The Tunnel. Heard it's cursed." It laughed once more.

Neptune decided not to ask anymore. Right now, resting and healing were the only things on his mind.

The yellow eyes disappeared.

*** *** ***

In another part of The Tunnel, Jason was chained to a wall. He was stripped of his armour, and wore only his inner clothing. The enchanted blade was hiding somewhere else.

"You're friend, the Piscian, was a bit too weak to speak. But can feel the energy seeping through you!"

Jason groaned in pain, unsure of whether that had been a mockery or a compliment. He decided on the latter, saying, "Thanks. I don't give up so easily."

"Exactly," replied the gremlin, "that's why my master doesn't want you destroyed. No...not at all."

"Your master? Malice Jowls?" Jason asked. He was panting in agony.

The dark outline of the demon's head seemed to move side to side. It said, "No. My master lies in a much higher place than that vampire sent to feed me."

"Griephon," Jason breathed the word softly.

Nodding, the gremlin said, "Yes. He has given me power beyond Malice Jowls' reckoning. Powers matched only by his own." Suddenly, the whole cave lit up, blinding Jason tempoarily.

"As long as Elfin, Neptune and I stick together...we have power to overcome any enemy," spat the slayer. As he got used to the light, he turned to stare at his captor, his intense eyes boring into those of the gremlin.

"That I know, that is why I am going to break all of you. Separately." The last word seemed to have been emphasized more greatly.

With that the gremlin disappeared. Jason shouted and screamed for him to return, but finally gave up, knowing that it was useless.

*** *** ***

"Elfin the mage. Single-handedly defeated over twenty demons am I right?"

"What is it to you, filth?" Elfin snapped. Even under such conditions, the cool elf still kept his cocky smile.

Visibly annoyed, the gremlin retorted, "We'll see who ends up as filth when I am done with you and your friends, mage!"

Elfin was not bound anywhere except for his right leg. The chain was attatched to an iron ball. A classic. Without a staff, any mage was powerless.

Then, with great speed, the gremlin rushed forth and grabbed Elfin's throat, knocking him against the wall. Their eyes were only centimetres away from each other's.

With a raised claw, the gremlin then drew blood from Elfin's cheek. The mage screamed in pain.

Acid was sprayed onto the fabric of his robes, and although the cloth prevented his flesh from corroding, it was not enough to ease the stinging pain. Elfin screamed again.

"It's going to be a long day, Elfin!" laughed the gremlin as it stepped back, releasing Elfin. "So stick around! But then again, you're not going anywhere."

*** *** ***

Back in the tower, Griephon tapped the armrest of his throne. Before him were eight of his Keltics, which he had mercifully saved from disapparation.

"One simple task. Destroy eight kids. AND YOU FAIL ME! One more chance. And this time, I won't save you from the Abyss."

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Disaster Strikes

The sun was out, and wounds were healed and taken care of. As soon as the trio broke out of the desert and into a small village, it seemed like the day had two nights. However, this time the moon was up.

"Condemned Salvation?" said Elfin as he read out the sign on the local inn. "That's an irony isn't it?" He turned to Jason, but the slayer wasn't listening.


"Huh?" Jason looked up, and Elfin could see that he had clearly been shaken up badly.

A silence then ensued which was broken by Neptune. "How about we go in? I've never slept on a bed before..."

"You'll love it," Elfin said sarcastically. To his relief, Jason laughed. They entered the Condemned Salvation, and saw a dark figure sitting at the counter, hidden by shadows.

The lounge was devoid of windows, and a small fire lit the room. The couches were dusty and decorated with cobwebs here and there. But the most creepy part was that the inn had no guests.

"How may I help you?" a nasal voice asked. As it did so, the figure at the counter moved.

The light was dim, but Elfin could see a pair of huge eyes, yellow at the sclera. He was about to ask if the inn had room, when Jason suddenly collasped.

"Jason!" cried he and Neptune in unison. They knelt down to examine the man.

"I have a spare room, maybe your friend would like to lie down awhile..."

Elfin looked up, wanting to thank the owner, but saw that that he had come out of the shadows. And what the mage saw was not a human being.

The mutant gremlin gave a wicked smile before enlarging its wings. It screeched defeaningly. Both Elfin and Neptune tried to shield their ears.

The screeching stopped, and before they knew it the gremlin had pounced. Elfin tried to launch a fireball, but failed. Neptune had gotten up, but with a flap of those enormous wings the Piscian found himself on the floor again, head spinning.

Hot breath touched Elfin's face, which was inches away from a set of deadly fangs. Those yellow eyes never closed, and the mage could not help but look away.

His staff was just an inch from him, and he was on his back. His hands were pressed against wet skin, trying with all his might to prevent the gremlin from biting him.

A blue glow flashed just behind the demon. Soon, a powerful tail swiped the fiendish creature away, and Elfin could see Neptune in his half-dragon form.

"Thanks," said Elfin as he stuck out his hand. The fallen staff flew into his outstretched fingers. "You take care of Jason, I'll deal with the gremlin."

Neptune picked Jason up with his strong arms, saying, "Sounds like a plan. Just don't get thrown down on the floor again." He bent to pick up the Inventi before leaping out the door.

Once outside, Neptune stopped. A mob of people surrounded him, their eyes devoid of life, their faces gaunt and ghastly. They each had a marking on their foreheads: a green hand.

*** *** ***

Back in the Condemned Salvation, Elfin was twirling his staff defensively, waiting for the gremlin to make the first move. The latter, however, was not moving.

Searching frantically for a spell, Elfin suddenly thought of an old illusional tactic that his master had shown him years ago. He had forgotten about the move, because he never had to use it.

He slowed down the twirling, waiting. The gremlin's eyes never left him.

Then, Elfin struck the butt of his staff onto the ground, chanting an Elvish incantation. As soon as the staff made contact with the wooden floor, there were five Elfins standing before the gremlin.

"Magic? My master was the ultimate magician!" spat the gremlin. He leapt forward, which was exactly what Elfin wanted.

All five elves struck out their staves, creating a circular motion. The gremlin halted in mid-air, held aloft by magical energies. Then, one by one, and in perfect synchrony, each Elfin swung their individual staves, whacking the fiend one after another.

The volley of whacks continued till the front door was kicked down. Stunned, Elfin stopped his attack, and the gremlin tumbled to the ground.

Through the door came Neptune, Jason still on his back, unconcious. A ghoulish group of locals came marching inside, their heads bearing the green omen.

"Neptune!" Elfin tried to get to his friend, but was knocked into a chair roughly. He looked up and saw the gremlin standing over him.

Wasting no time, the mage struck his staff right between the demon's legs, sending it sprawling into the ground.

"So it does hurt for demons too," mused Elfin. He then turned to see that the mob had swallowed Neptune. "Away!"

The rounded tip of his wooden staff shone a deep blue, then the light zipped towards the crowd, throwing off several of the possessed people.

Spell after spell he launched, until the mob nearly swallowed him as well. Elfin watched, helpless, as they took his staff and snapped it in two. He watched as the recovered gremlin toyed with his Inventi, pouring out the contents. Finally, his vision was obscured, then he could see nothing.

The last thing Elfin noticed before this was the green omen, flashing prominently before him.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Dawn of Disaster Part 3

No one knew how. But as Jason's desperation mounted, his sword gave a jump and, flashing in the direction of the tormenting bats, gave off an incredible radiance. The bats scattered, leaving Jason on his knees, his breath audible, his face cut in many regions. The light of the blade extinguished, and the weapon crashed onto the sand.

Malice wasted no time. He grabbed Jason's injured neck, digging his claws to produce a fresh cut, and tossed him into a boulder. Jason thought he heard the sound of breaking bones.

"You had me worried there, my friend. But don't worry, it will end soon. I promise..."

Suddenly, the vampire found himself surrounded by a ring of flames. He spun round wildly, looking for the source, when he saw a pair of emerald eyes in the distance, glowing menacingly.

Elfin got closer, and as he did, a bluish body appeared alongside him. Both he and Neptune were ready for attack. Neptune's body had changed. His legs became like those of a T-rex, and his thin arms had become muscular while his fingers had claws. And he had a tail, also like a rex's.

"How did you get out of the Shadow Zone?" Malice asked. The surprise in his voice was emminent.

"I live in the Shadow Zone!" Elfin shouted across the desert, lips curling into a smile. That smile faded as soon as he spotted the beaten Jason lying against a rock, barely breathing. "You fiend!"

With that, Neptune leapt forward, his powerful hind legs springing forward with great strength. He launched a swipe at Malice, but the vampire had teleported away. Elfin held out his staff.

"Spell Bind!"

Nothing happened, and the vampire would have laughed if not for the untiring tail of the Piscian's new body. Neptune lunged again, this time colliding head on onto Malice. The latter cursed; what happened to his teleportationg spell?

Then it hit him. It was the Spell Bind.

Neptune punched and clawed again and again, his emotions exploding with each attack. Finally, the vampire fell.

As Elfin tended to Jason's wounds, Neptune grabbed Malice by his collar.

"You're too late! My gremlin has already fed on enough pain! The wastelands will--ARGH!" he let out a final scream as Neptune struck a claw into his chest, like a stake. The demon's face cracked, and burst into dust.

*** *** ***

Deep in the wastelands, the gremlin was mutating. Wings of a dragon erupted from its hunched back. Its fangs grew to twice its length. Muscles got bigger, bringing the demon power beyond normal. It flapped its newly acquired wings, and took flight.

As it sped off into the morning sky, the sun no longer a captive of Malice's power, it led out a toxic roar, spraying acid onto the spires below.

The affected spires shook.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Dawn of Disaster Part 2

The tip of the sword glittered dangerously.

Malice smiled his sadistic smile, his right hand on the edge of his cape, waiting for the right moment. Jason seemed to be waiting for something as well.

"Well, aren't you gonna finish me off?" sneered Malice. Jason's brow furrowed a little, and the vampire saw his chance. He tugged his cape.

Jason fell forward, his sword striking the sand. Looking up, he saw a vampire bat flying away from him. The bat landed on an arching rock formation, hanging upside down. There was a black puff of smoke, and Malice hanged below the arch.

"Damn it, you freakin' bat!" roared Jason as he got to his feet, sword poised to attack. But his stance was flawed, broken by his frustration and rage.

And Malice Jowls knew it.

*** *** ***

The Spire cracked. Thin lines spread along its surface as the demon within in struggled to break free. The lines got longer, thicker. Soon, shards of dark matter shot all over the Wastelands. Each shard would soon become a new Spire.

A cloud of smoke was slowly blown away by the morning winds. The gremlin stood waiting.

Dark, blue-and-green skin. Pointy, elf-like ears. Huge discoloured eyes. Fangs of razor-like quality and claws coated with acid on all four limbs. A grotesque sight to behold.

It took its first slow steps. Looking across the Wastelands, it growled, hungry for its first meal.

*** *** ***

Jason felt his head throb violently. He was on the floor, sword a few feet from him. Malice hovered above him, smile gone, his face a mask of coldness.

"The great demon slayer beatened by a lousy bat," mocked Malice. "How sad. Your father would be so disappointed."

That was it for Jason. He forgot his pain, grabbed a handful of sand and tossed it swiftly at the vampire's eyes. Malice screamed, clutching his stinging eyes.

One hand filled with sand, Jason back-flipped and took up his sword with the other. Malice seemed to be recovering, but Jason was ready.

"You ba--ARGH!"

Jason let loose the sand again, this time with a quick flick of his wrist, a movement so subtle that Malice never saw it coming.

As the vampire cursed in agony, Jason got a running start and jumped towards him, throwing him down on the sand, sword piercing his right arm. Malice's scream got louder. He lifted his hand, releasing a volley of tiny black balls. Each one exploded into Jason's armour, sending him flying off Malice and onto the ground.

"You'll pay for that, human!" roared a recovered Malice. He stretched open his mouth, and out flew a horde of tiny bats, each one equipped with wicked fangs.

They flew at Jason, biting at his face, neck and through the exposed parts of his body.

The vampire laughed, enjoying his revenge. Malice Jowls was a man with no conscience or warm feelings. No, that was not right.

Malice Jowls wasn't even a man.